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Murabito JM, White CC, Kavousi M, Sun YV, Feitosa MF, Nambi V, Lamina C, Schillert A, Coassin S, Bis JC, et al. Association between chromosome 9p21 variants and the ankle-brachial index identified by a meta-analysis of 21 genome-wide association studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 ;5(1):100-12.
Grallert H, Dupuis J, Bis JC, Dehghan A, Barbalic M, Baumert J, Lu C, Smith NL, Uitterlinden AG, Roberts R, et al. Eight genetic loci associated with variation in lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 mass and activity and coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from five community-based studies. Eur Heart J. 2012 ;33(2):238-51.
Buyske S, Wu Y, Carty CL, Cheng I, Assimes TL, Dumitrescu L, Hindorff LA, Mitchell S, Ambite JLuis, Boerwinkle E, et al. Evaluation of the metabochip genotyping array in African Americans and implications for fine mapping of GWAS-identified loci: the PAGE study. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(4):e35651.
Tennessen JA, Bigham AW, O'Connor TD, Fu W, Kenny EE, Gravel S, McGee S, Do R, Liu X, Jun G, et al. Evolution and functional impact of rare coding variation from deep sequencing of human exomes. Science. 2012 ;337(6090):64-9.
Yang J, Loos RJF, Powell JE, Medland SE, Speliotes EK, Chasman DI, Rose LM, Thorleifsson G, Steinthorsdottir V, Mägi R, et al. FTO genotype is associated with phenotypic variability of body mass index. Nature. 2012 ;490(7419):267-72.
Wassel CL, Lamina C, Nambi V, Coassin S, Mukamal KJ, Ganesh SK, Jacobs DR, Franceschini N, Papanicolaou GJ, Gibson Q, et al. Genetic determinants of the ankle-brachial index: a meta-analysis of a cardiovascular candidate gene 50K SNP panel in the candidate gene association resource (CARe) consortium. Atherosclerosis. 2012 ;222(1):138-47.
Pattaro C, Köttgen A, Teumer A, Garnaas M, Böger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Chen M-H, Tin A, Taliun D, et al. Genome-wide association and functional follow-up reveals new loci for kidney function. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(3):e1002584.
Stolk L, Perry JRB, Chasman DI, He C, Mangino M, Sulem P, Barbalic M, Broer L, Byrne EM, Ernst F, et al. Meta-analyses identify 13 loci associated with age at menopause and highlight DNA repair and immune pathways. Nat Genet. 2012 ;44(3):260-8.
Ellinor PT, Lunetta KL, Albert CM, Glazer NL, Ritchie MD, Smith AV, Arking DE, Müller-Nurasyid M, Krijthe BP, Lubitz SA, et al. Meta-analysis identifies six new susceptibility loci for atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2012 ;44(6):670-5.
Musunuru K, Romaine SPR, Lettre G, Wilson JG, Volcik KA, Tsai MY, Taylor HA, Schreiner PJ, Rotter JI, Rich SS, et al. Multi-ethnic analysis of lipid-associated loci: the NHLBI CARe project. PLoS One. 2012 ;7(5):e36473.
Dastani Z, Hivert M-F, Timpson N, Perry JRB, Yuan X, Scott RA, Henneman P, Heid IM, Kizer JR, Lyytikäinen L-P, et al. Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(3):e1002607.
Chiang CWK, Liu C-T, Lettre G, Lange LA, Jorgensen NW, Keating BJ, Vedantam S, Nock NL, Franceschini N, Reiner AP, et al. Ultraconserved elements in the human genome: association and transmission analyses of highly constrained single-nucleotide polymorphisms. Genetics. 2012 ;192(1):253-66.
Franceschini N, Carty C, Bůzková P, Reiner AP, Garrett T, Lin Y, Vöckler J-S, Hindorff LA, Cole SA, Boerwinkle E, et al. Association of genetic variants and incident coronary heart disease in multiethnic cohorts: the PAGE study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2011 ;4(6):661-72.
Kraja AT, Vaidya D, Pankow JS, Goodarzi MO, Assimes TL, Kullo IJ, Sovio U, Mathias RA, Sun YV, Franceschini N, et al. A bivariate genome-wide approach to metabolic syndrome: STAMPEED consortium. Diabetes. 2011 ;60(4):1329-39.
Böger CA, Chen M-H, Tin A, Olden M, Köttgen A, de Boer IH, Fuchsberger C, O'Seaghdha CM, Pattaro C, Teumer A, et al. CUBN is a gene locus for albuminuria. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2011 ;22(3):555-70.
Ehret GB, Munroe PB, Rice KM, Bochud M, Johnson AD, Chasman DI, Smith AV, Tobin MD, Verwoert GC, Hwang S-J, et al. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature. 2011 ;478(7367):103-9.
Fornage M, Debette S, Bis JC, Schmidt H, Ikram AM, Dufouil C, Sigurdsson S, Lumley T, DeStefano AL, Fazekas F, et al. Genome-wide association studies of cerebral white matter lesion burden: the CHARGE consortium. Ann Neurol. 2011 ;69(6):928-39.
Wain LV, Verwoert GC, O'Reilly PF, Shi G, Johnson T, Johnson AD, Bochud M, Rice KM, Henneman P, Smith AV, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Nat Genet. 2011 ;43(10):1005-11.
Walter S, Atzmon G, Demerath EW, Garcia ME, Kaplan RC, Kumari M, Lunetta KL, Milaneschi Y, Tanaka T, Tranah GJ, et al. A genome-wide association study of aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2011 ;32(11):2109.e15-28.
Arking DE, M Junttila J, Goyette P, Huertas-Vazquez A, Eijgelsheim M, Blom MT, Newton-Cheh C, Reinier K, Teodorescu C, Uy-Evanado A, et al. Identification of a sudden cardiac death susceptibility locus at 2q24.2 through genome-wide association in European ancestry individuals. PLoS Genet. 2011 ;7(6):e1002158.
Bis JC, Kavousi M, Franceschini N, Isaacs A, Abecasis GR, Schminke U, Post WS, Smith AV, Cupples AL, Markus HS, et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE consortium identifies common variants associated with carotid intima media thickness and plaque. Nat Genet. 2011 ;43(10):940-7.
Dehghan A, Dupuis J, Barbalic M, Bis JC, Eiriksdottir G, Lu C, Pellikka N, Wallaschofski H, Kettunen J, Henneman P, et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in >80 000 subjects identifies multiple loci for C-reactive protein levels. Circulation. 2011 ;123(7):731-8.
