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Rea TD, Breitner JC, Psaty BM, Fitzpatrick AL, Lopez OL, Newman AB, Hazzard WR, Zandi PP, Burke GL, Lyketsos CG, et al. Statin use and the risk of incident dementia: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Neurol. 2005 ;62(7):1047-51.
Li M, Li Y, Weeks O, Mijatovic V, Teumer A, Huffman JE, Tromp G, Fuchsberger C, Gorski M, Lyytikäinen L-P, et al. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 .
Parikh RH, Seliger SL, Christenson R, Gottdiener JS, Psaty BM, deFilippi CR. Soluble ST2 for Prediction of Heart Failure and Cardiovascular Death in an Elderly, Community-Dwelling Population. J Am Heart Assoc. 2016 ;5(8).
Stojanović D, Bůzková P, Mukamal KJ, Heckbert SR, Psaty BM, Fink HA, Cauley JA, Wallace E, Curtis LH, Hirsch C, et al. Soluble Inflammatory Markers and Risk of Incident Fractures in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2017 .
Al-Kindi SG, Bůzková P, Shitole SG, Reiner AP, Garg PK, Gottdiener JS, Psaty BM, Kizer JR. Soluble CD14 and Risk of Heart Failure and Its Subtypes in Older Adults. J Card Fail. 2020 ;26(5):410-419.
Christensen MA, Dixit S, Dewland TA, Whitman IR, Nah G, Vittinghoff E, Mukamal KJ, Redline S, Robbins JA, Newman AB, et al. Sleep characteristics that predict atrial fibrillation. Heart Rhythm. 2018 ;15(9):1289-1295.
Liang J, Le TH, Edwards DRVelez, Tayo BO, Gaulton KJ, Smith JA, Lu Y, Jensen RA, Chen G, Yanek LR, et al. Single-trait and multi-trait genome-wide association analyses identify novel loci for blood pressure in African-ancestry populations. PLoS Genet. 2017 ;13(5):e1006728.
Jones AC, Patki A, Srinivasasainagendra V, Tiwari HK, Armstrong ND, Chaudhary NS, Limdi NA, Hidalgo BA, Davis B, Cimino JJ, et al. Single-Ancestry versus Multi-Ancestry Polygenic Risk Scores for CKD in Black American Populations. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2024 .
Merkler AE, Bartz TM, Kamel H, Soliman EZ, Howard V, Psaty BM, Okin PM, Safford MM, Elkind MSV, Longstreth WT. Silent Myocardial Infarction and Subsequent Ischemic Stroke in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2021 .
Dichgans M, Malik R, König IR, Rosand J, Clarke R, Gretarsdottir S, Thorleifsson G, Mitchell BD, Assimes TL, Levi C, et al. Shared genetic susceptibility to ischemic stroke and coronary artery disease: a genome-wide analysis of common variants. Stroke. 2014 ;45(1):24-36.
Suthahar N, Lau ES, Blaha MJ, Paniagua SM, Larson MG, Psaty BM, Benjamin EJ, Allison MA, Bartz TM, Januzzi JL, et al. Sex-Specific Associations of Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Biomarkers With Incident Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 ;76(12):1455-1465.
Tsai AW, Cushman M, Tsai MY, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Aleksic N, N Yanez D, Psaty BM, Folsom AR. Serum homocysteine, thermolabile variant of methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), and venous thromboembolism: Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE). Am J Hematol. 2003 ;72(3):192-200.
Jenny NSwords, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Tracy RP, Psaty BM. Serum amyloid P and cardiovascular disease in older men and women: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2007 ;27(2):352-8.
Lai HTM, Otto MC de Olive, Lee Y, H Y Wu J, Song X, King IB, Psaty BM, Lemaitre RN, McKnight B, Siscovick DS, et al. Serial Plasma Phospholipid Fatty Acids in the De Novo Lipogenesis Pathway and Total Mortality, Cause-Specific Mortality, and Cardiovascular Diseases in the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2019 ;8(22):e012881.
Magnani JW, Brody JA, Prins BP, Arking DE, Lin H, Yin X, Liu C-T, Morrison AC, Zhang F, Spector TD, et al. Sequencing of SCN5A identifies rare and common variants associated with cardiac conduction: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):365-73.
Taliun D, Harris DN, Kessler MD, Carlson J, Szpiech ZA, Torres R, Taliun SAGagliano, Corvelo A, Gogarten SM, Kang HMin, et al. Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Nature. 2021 ;590(7845):290-299.
Bis JC, White CC, Franceschini N, Brody J, Zhang X, Muzny D, Santibanez J, Gibbs R, Liu X, Lin H, et al. Sequencing of 2 subclinical atherosclerosis candidate regions in 3669 individuals: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):359-64.
Liang J, Cade BE, He KY, Wang H, Lee J, Sofer T, Williams S, Li R, Chen H, Gottlieb DJ, et al. Sequencing Analysis at 8p23 Identifies Multiple Rare Variants in DLC1 Associated with Sleep-Related Oxyhemoglobin Saturation Level. Am J Hum Genet. 2019 ;105(5):1057-1068.
Morrison AC, Bis JC, Hwang S-J, Ehret GB, Lumley T, Rice K, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E, Psaty BM, et al. Sequence analysis of six blood pressure candidate regions in 4,178 individuals: the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) targeted sequencing study. PLoS One. 2014 ;9(10):e109155.
Ferket BS, van Kempen BJH, Wieberdink RG, Steyerberg EW, Koudstaal PJ, Hofman A, Shahar E, Gottesman RF, Rosamond W, Kizer JR, et al. Separate prediction of intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic stroke. Neurology. 2014 ;82(20):1804-12.
Shoben AB, Kestenbaum B, Levin G, Hoofnagle AN, Psaty BM, Siscovick DS, de Boer IH. Seasonal variation in 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in the cardiovascular health study. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 ;174(12):1363-72.
