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Murabito JM, White CC, Kavousi M, Sun YV, Feitosa MF, Nambi V, Lamina C, Schillert A, Coassin S, Bis JC, et al. Association between chromosome 9p21 variants and the ankle-brachial index identified by a meta-analysis of 21 genome-wide association studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 ;5(1):100-12.
Rajagopalan P, Jahanshad N, Stein JL, Hua X, Madsen SK, Kohannim O, Hibar DP, Toga AW, Jack CR, Saykin AJ, et al. Common folate gene variant, MTHFR C677T, is associated with brain structure in two independent cohorts of people with mild cognitive impairment. Neuroimage Clin. 2012 ;1(1):179-87.
Sweet RA, Seltman H, Emanuel JE, Lopez OL, Becker JT, Bis JC, Weamer EA, Demichele-Sweet MAnn A, Kuller LH. Effect of Alzheimer's disease risk genes on trajectories of cognitive function in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Am J Psychiatry. 2012 ;169(9):954-62.
Grallert H, Dupuis J, Bis JC, Dehghan A, Barbalic M, Baumert J, Lu C, Smith NL, Uitterlinden AG, Roberts R, et al. Eight genetic loci associated with variation in lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 mass and activity and coronary heart disease: meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from five community-based studies. Eur Heart J. 2012 ;33(2):238-51.
Traylor M, Farrall M, Holliday EG, Sudlow C, Hopewell JC, Cheng Y-C, Fornage M, Ikram AM, Malik R, Bevan S, et al. Genetic risk factors for ischaemic stroke and its subtypes (the METASTROKE collaboration): a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies. Lancet Neurol. 2012 ;11(11):951-62.
Huang J, Sabater-Lleal M, Asselbergs FW, Tregouet D, Shin S-Y, Ding J, Baumert J, Oudot-Mellakh T, Folkersen L, Johnson AD, et al. Genome-wide association study for circulating levels of PAI-1 provides novel insights into its regulation. Blood. 2012 ;120(24):4873-81.
Mangino M, Hwang S-J, Spector TD, Hunt SC, Kimura M, Fitzpatrick AL, Christiansen L, Petersen I, Elbers CC, Harris T, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis points to CTC1 and ZNF676 as genes regulating telomere homeostasis in humans. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 ;21(24):5385-94.
J Smith G, Avery CL, Evans DS, Nalls MA, Meng YA, Smith EN, Palmer C, Tanaka T, Mehra R, Butler AM, et al. Impact of ancestry and common genetic variants on QT interval in African Americans. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 ;5(6):647-55.
Ellinor PT, Lunetta KL, Albert CM, Glazer NL, Ritchie MD, Smith AV, Arking DE, Müller-Nurasyid M, Krijthe BP, Lubitz SA, et al. Meta-analysis identifies six new susceptibility loci for atrial fibrillation. Nat Genet. 2012 ;44(6):670-5.
Dastani Z, Hivert M-F, Timpson N, Perry JRB, Yuan X, Scott RA, Henneman P, Heid IM, Kizer JR, Lyytikäinen L-P, et al. Novel loci for adiponectin levels and their influence on type 2 diabetes and metabolic traits: a multi-ethnic meta-analysis of 45,891 individuals. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(3):e1002607.
Broer L, Ikram MArfan, Schuur M, DeStefano AL, Bis JC, Liu F, Rivadeneira F, Uitterlinden AG, Beiser AS, Longstreth WT, et al. Association of HSP70 and its co-chaperones with Alzheimer's disease. J Alzheimers Dis. 2011 ;25(1):93-102.
Marciante KD, Durda JP, Heckbert SR, Lumley T, Rice K, McKnight B, Totah RA, Tamraz B, Kroetz DL, Fukushima H, et al. Cerivastatin, genetic variants, and the risk of rhabdomyolysis. Pharmacogenet Genomics. 2011 ;21(5):280-8.
Lemaitre RN, Tanaka T, Tang W, Manichaikul A, Foy M, Kabagambe EK, Nettleton JA, King IB, Weng L-C, Bhattacharya S, et al. Genetic loci associated with plasma phospholipid n-3 fatty acids: a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE Consortium. PLoS Genet. 2011 ;7(7):e1002193.
Smith NL, Huffman JE, Strachan DP, Huang J, Dehghan A, Trompet S, Lopez LM, Shin S-Y, Baumert J, Vitart V, et al. Genetic predictors of fibrin D-dimer levels in healthy adults. Circulation. 2011 ;123(17):1864-72.
Ehret GB, Munroe PB, Rice KM, Bochud M, Johnson AD, Chasman DI, Smith AV, Tobin MD, Verwoert GC, Hwang S-J, et al. Genetic variants in novel pathways influence blood pressure and cardiovascular disease risk. Nature. 2011 ;478(7367):103-9.
Paré G, Ridker PM, Rose L, Barbalic M, Dupuis J, Dehghan A, Bis JC, Benjamin EJ, Shiffman D, Parker AN, et al. Genome-wide association analysis of soluble ICAM-1 concentration reveals novel associations at the NFKBIK, PNPLA3, RELA, and SH2B3 loci. PLoS Genet. 2011 ;7(4):e1001374.
Fornage M, Debette S, Bis JC, Schmidt H, Ikram AM, Dufouil C, Sigurdsson S, Lumley T, DeStefano AL, Fazekas F, et al. Genome-wide association studies of cerebral white matter lesion burden: the CHARGE consortium. Ann Neurol. 2011 ;69(6):928-39.
Wain LV, Verwoert GC, O'Reilly PF, Shi G, Johnson T, Johnson AD, Bochud M, Rice KM, Henneman P, Smith AV, et al. Genome-wide association study identifies six new loci influencing pulse pressure and mean arterial pressure. Nat Genet. 2011 ;43(10):1005-11.
Bis JC, Kavousi M, Franceschini N, Isaacs A, Abecasis GR, Schminke U, Post WS, Smith AV, Cupples AL, Markus HS, et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies from the CHARGE consortium identifies common variants associated with carotid intima media thickness and plaque. Nat Genet. 2011 ;43(10):940-7.
Dehghan A, Dupuis J, Barbalic M, Bis JC, Eiriksdottir G, Lu C, Pellikka N, Wallaschofski H, Kettunen J, Henneman P, et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in >80 000 subjects identifies multiple loci for C-reactive protein levels. Circulation. 2011 ;123(7):731-8.
Gieger C, Radhakrishnan A, Cvejic A, Tang W, Porcu E, Pistis G, Serbanovic-Canic J, Elling U, Goodall AH, Labrune Y, et al. New gene functions in megakaryopoiesis and platelet formation. Nature. 2011 ;480(7376):201-8.
