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Noordam R, Sitlani CM, Avery CL, Stewart JD, Gogarten SM, Wiggins KL, Trompet S, Warren HR, Sun F, Evans DS, et al. A genome-wide interaction analysis of tricyclic/tetracyclic antidepressants and RR and QT intervals: a pharmacogenomics study from the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. J Med Genet. 2017 ;54(5):313-323.
Smith CE, Follis JL, Dashti HS, Tanaka T, Graff M, Fretts AM, Kilpeläinen TO, Wojczynski MK, Richardson K, Nalls MA, et al. Genome-Wide Interactions with Dairy Intake for Body Mass Index in Adults of European Descent. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2017 .
Hancock DB, Artigas MSoler, Gharib SA, Henry A, Manichaikul A, Ramasamy A, Loth DW, Imboden M, Koch B, McArdle WL, et al. Genome-wide joint meta-analysis of SNP and SNP-by-smoking interaction identifies novel loci for pulmonary function. PLoS Genet. 2012 ;8(12):e1003098.
Estrada K, Styrkarsdottir U, Evangelou E, Hsu Y-H, Duncan EL, Ntzani EE, Oei L, Albagha OME, Amin N, Kemp JP, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 56 bone mineral density loci and reveals 14 loci associated with risk of fracture. Nat Genet. 2012 ;44(5):491-501.
Teumer A, Qi Q, Nethander M, Aschard H, Bandinelli S, Beekman M, Berndt SI, Bidlingmaier M, Broer L, Cappola A, et al. Genomewide meta-analysis identifies loci associated with IGF-I and IGFBP-3 levels with impact on age-related traits. Aging Cell. 2016 ;15(5):811-24.
Franke A, McGovern DPB, Barrett JC, Wang K, Radford-Smith GL, Ahmad T, Lees CW, Balschun T, Lee J, Roberts R, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis increases to 71 the number of confirmed Crohn's disease susceptibility loci. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(12):1118-25.
Suri P, Palmer MR, Tsepilov YA, Freidin MB, Boer CG, Yau MS, Evans DS, Gelemanovic A, Bartz TM, Nethander M, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of 158,000 individuals of European ancestry identifies three loci associated with chronic back pain. PLoS Genet. 2018 ;14(9):e1007601.
Tanaka T, Ngwa JS, van Rooij FJA, Zillikens CM, Wojczynski MK, Frazier-Wood AC, Houston DK, Kanoni S, Lemaitre RN, Luan J'an, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of observational studies shows common genetic variants associated with macronutrient intake. Am J Clin Nutr. 2013 ;97(6):1395-402.
Irvin MR, Sitlani CM, Noordam R, Avery CL, Bis JC, Floyd JS, Li J, Limdi NA, Srinivasasainagendra V, Stewart J, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis of SNP-by9-ACEI/ARB and SNP-by-thiazide diuretic and effect on serum potassium in cohorts of European and African ancestry. Pharmacogenomics J. 2018 .
Mangino M, Hwang S-J, Spector TD, Hunt SC, Kimura M, Fitzpatrick AL, Christiansen L, Petersen I, Elbers CC, Harris T, et al. Genome-wide meta-analysis points to CTC1 and ZNF676 as genes regulating telomere homeostasis in humans. Hum Mol Genet. 2012 ;21(24):5385-94.
van Rooij FJA, Qayyum R, Smith AV, Zhou Y, Trompet S, Tanaka T, Keller MF, Chang L-C, Schmidt H, Yang M-L, et al. Genome-wide Trans-ethnic Meta-analysis Identifies Seven Genetic Loci Influencing Erythrocyte Traits and a Role for RBPMS in Erythropoiesis. Am J Hum Genet. 2017 ;100(1):51-63.
Jakubek YA, Ma X, Stilp AM, Yu F, Bacon J, Wong JW, Aguet F, Ardlie K, Arnett D, Barnes K, et al. Genomic and phenotypic correlates of mosaic loss of chromosome Y in blood. medRxiv. 2024 .
Morrison AC, Felix JF, Cupples AL, Glazer NL, Loehr LR, Dehghan A, Demissie S, Bis JC, Rosamond WD, Aulchenko YS, et al. Genomic variation associated with mortality among adults of European and African ancestry with heart failure: the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 ;3(3):248-55.
Matteini AM, Tanaka T, Karasik D, Atzmon G, Chou W-C, Eicher JD, Johnson AD, Arnold AM, Callisaya ML, Davies G, et al. GWAS analysis of handgrip and lower body strength in older adults in the CHARGE consortium. Aging Cell. 2016 ;15(5):792-800.
Franceschini N, Giambartolomei C, de Vries PS, Finan C, Bis JC, Huntley RP, Lovering RC, Tajuddin SM, Winkler TW, Graff M, et al. GWAS and colocalization analyses implicate carotid intima-media thickness and carotid plaque loci in cardiovascular outcomes. Nat Commun. 2018 ;9(1):5141.
Broer L, Buchman AS, Deelen J, Evans DS, Faul JD, Lunetta KL, Sebastiani P, Smith JA, Smith AV, Tanaka T, et al. GWAS of longevity in CHARGE consortium confirms APOE and FOXO3 candidacy. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2015 ;70(1):110-8.
Yang Y, Bartz TM, Brown MR, Guo X, Zilhão NR, Trompet S, Weiss S, Yao J, Brody JA, deFilippi CR, et al. Identification of Functional Genetic Determinants of Cardiac Troponin T and I in a Multiethnic Population and Causal Associations With Atrial Fibrillation. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2021 ;14(6):e003460.
Hoed Mden, Eijgelsheim M, Esko T, Brundel BJJM, Peal DS, Evans DM, Nolte IM, Segrè AV, Holm H, Handsaker RE, et al. Identification of heart rate-associated loci and their effects on cardiac conduction and rhythm disorders. Nat Genet. 2013 ;45(6):621-31.
Medici M, Porcu E, Pistis G, Teumer A, Brown SJ, Jensen RA, Rawal R, Roef GL, Plantinga TS, Vermeulen SH, et al. Identification of novel genetic Loci associated with thyroid peroxidase antibodies and clinical thyroid disease. PLoS Genet. 2014 ;10(2):e1004123.
J Smith G, Avery CL, Evans DS, Nalls MA, Meng YA, Smith EN, Palmer C, Tanaka T, Mehra R, Butler AM, et al. Impact of ancestry and common genetic variants on QT interval in African Americans. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2012 ;5(6):647-55.
Wheeler E, Leong A, Liu C-T, Hivert M-F, Strawbridge RJ, Podmore C, Li M, Yao J, Sim X, Hong J, et al. Impact of common genetic determinants of Hemoglobin A1c on type 2 diabetes risk and diagnosis in ancestrally diverse populations: A transethnic genome-wide meta-analysis. PLoS Med. 2017 ;14(9):e1002383.
