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Corlier F, Hafzalla G, Faskowitz J, Kuller LH, Becker JT, Lopez OL, Thompson PM, Braskie MN. Systemic inflammation as a predictor of brain aging: Contributions of physical activity, metabolic risk, and genetic risk. Neuroimage. 2018 ;172:118-129.
Cornelius T, Schwartz JE, Balte P, Bhatt SP, Cassano PA, Currow D, Jacobs DR, Johnson M, Kalhan R, Kronmal R, et al. A Dyadic Growth Modeling Approach for Examining Associations Between Weight Gain and Lung Function Decline. Am J Epidemiol. 2020 ;189(10):1173-1184.
Cornes BK, Brody JA, Nikpoor N, Morrison AC, Chu H, Ahn BSoo, Wang S, Dauriz M, Barzilay JI, Dupuis J, et al. Association of levels of fasting glucose and insulin with rare variants at the chromosome 11p11.2-MADD locus: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):374-382.
Corrales-Medina VF, Taljaard M, Yende S, Kronmal R, Dwivedi G, Newman AB, Elkind MSV, Lyles MF, Chirinos JA. Intermediate and long-term risk of new-onset heart failure after hospitalization for pneumonia in elderly adults. Am Heart J. 2015 ;170(2):306-12.
Corrales-Medina VF, Alvarez KN, Weissfeld LA, Angus DC, Chirinos JA, Chang C-CH, Newman A, Loehr L, Folsom AR, Elkind MS, et al. Association between hospitalization for pneumonia and subsequent risk of cardiovascular disease. JAMA. 2015 ;313(3):264-74.
Cotlarciuc I, Malik R, Holliday EG, Ahmadi KR, Paré G, Psaty BM, Fornage M, Hasan N, Rinne PE, Ikram AM, et al. Effect of genetic variants associated with plasma homocysteine levels on stroke risk. Stroke. 2014 ;45(7):1920-4.
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Crainich P, Jenny NS, Tang Z, Arnold AM, Kuller LH, Manolio T, Sharrett AR, Tracy RP. Lack of association of the plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 4G/5G promoter polymorphism with cardiovascular disease in the elderly. J Thromb Haemost. 2003 ;1(8):1799-804.
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Crane PK, Narasimhalu K, Gibbons LE, Mungas DM, Haneuse S, Larson EB, Kuller L, Hall K, van Belle G. Item response theory facilitated cocalibrating cognitive tests and reduced bias in estimated rates of decline. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008 ;61(10):1018-27.e9.
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Cui C, Sekikawa A, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Newman AB, Kuipers AL, Mackey RH. Aortic Stiffness is Associated with Increased Risk of Incident Dementia in Older Adults. J Alzheimers Dis. 2018 ;66(1):297-306.
Cui C, Mackey RH, C Shaaban E, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Sekikawa A. Associations of body composition with incident dementia in older adults: Cardiovascular Health Study-Cognition Study. Alzheimers Dement. 2020 .
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Cushman M, Yanez D, Psaty BM, Fried LP, Heiss G, Lee M, Polak JF, Savage PJ, Tracy RP. Association of fibrinogen and coagulation factors VII and VIII with cardiovascular risk factors in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Cardiovascular Health Study Investigators. Am J Epidemiol. 1996 ;143(7):665-76.
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Cushman M, Lemaitre RN, Kuller LH, Psaty BM, Macy EM, Sharrett AR, Tracy RP. Fibrinolytic activation markers predict myocardial infarction in the elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(3):493-8.
Cushman M, Meilahn EN, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Dobs AS, Tracy RP. Hormone replacement therapy, inflammation, and hemostasis in elderly women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(4):893-9.
Cushman M, Psaty BM, Macy E, Bovill EG, Cornell ES, Kuller LH, Tracy RP. Correlates of thrombin markers in an elderly cohort free of clinical cardiovascular disease. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1996 ;16(9):1163-9.
