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CHS Directory

Displaying 751 - 775 of 1210

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort descending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Emily Huang Harvard School of Public Health biostatistics N/A
Leah Cahill 9024027417 Harvard School of Public Health nutrition 655 Huntington Ave Building 2, Room 311 Boston Massachusetts 02115
Sarah Aroner Harvard School of Public Health apolipoprotein, Breast cancer, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, diabetes, epidemiology, fetuin-A, High-density lipoprotein (HDL), MESA, observational studies, Prospective Studies N/A
Alexa Ehlert Harvard School of Public Health biostatistics, epidemiology Massachusetts 02115
Kirsten Evans 301-910-9120 Harvard School of Public Health Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, Alzhiemer's disease, biomarker, biomarkers, dementia, epidemiology Bldg 2 Room 302 665 Huntington Ave Boston Massachusetts 02115
Wenjie Ma 6178938614 Harvard School of Public Health 2 Peabody Terrace, Apt 1002 Cambridge Massachusetts 02138
Jyrki K. Virtanen Harvard School of Public Health Department of Nutrition Bldg. 2, Rm. 305 Boston Massachusetts 2115
Liming Liang Harvard School of Public Health 1000 genomes imputation, genetic architecture, genetic association, genetic association study, genetic epidemiology, genetic risk score, genetic studies, Genetics, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistical testing, statistics 655 Huntington Ave Building 2, Room 207 Boston Massachusetts 02115
Simona Costanzo Harvard School of Public Health alcohol consumption N/A
Michael Yamashita Harvard School of Public Health 665 Huntington Avenue Boston Massachusetts 2115
Kenshiro Fuse (617) 495-1000 Harvard School of Public Health AF, CV risk, CVD, CVD epidemiology and prevention, CVD events, CVD incidence, CVD mortality, CVD risk factors, PAD, parity, stroke, Stroke incidence 677 Huntington Avenue Boston Massachusetts 02115
Kunal Jha 4242139034 Johns Hopkins Hospital cardiovascular outcomes, Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular risk prediction, smoking, Smoking and Tobacco in Minority Populations (STOMP) consortium, SMOKING STATUS, tobacco 200 North Wolfe Stree Baltimore N/A 21287
Rebecca Gottesman Johns Hopkins Hospital Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center Baltimore Maryland
Saman Nazarian Johns Hopkins Hospital cardiac arrest Cardiac Electrophysiology Carnegie 592C Baltimore Maryland 21287
Deborah M. Green 808-585-5322 University of Hawaii School of Medicine The Queen's Medical center Neuroscience Institute, QET 5 Honolulu Hawaii 96813
Eliseo Guallar 410-614-0574 Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research Baltimore Maryland 21205
John Gunstad 330-672-2589 Kent State University 221 Kent Hall Addition Kent Ohio 44242
Thaddeus Haight University of California - Berkeley School of Public Health Berkeley California
Ihab Hajjar Hebrew Senior Life, Harvard Medical School 1200 Centre Street Boston Massachusetts 2131
Maria Rizzo DePaoli 617-971-5395 Hebrew Senior Life, Harvard Medical School Program Coordinator, program manager 1200 Centre Street Boston Massachusetts 02189
Ethan A. Halm 212-241-0326 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard Dallas Texas 75390-8889
David McNamara University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center atrial fibrillation, heart failure, racial differences Department of Cardiology 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas Texas 75390
Ambarish Pandey 6178698957 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center incident heart failure 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas Texas 75390
Ian Neeland 214-645-1267 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center cardiovascular disease epidemiology, obesity 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Mail Code 8830 Dallas Texas 75390
Wally Omar University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center CAD, cardiac biomarkers, Cardiac troponin T, cardiovascular disease (CVD) N/A
