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CHS Directory

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort ascending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Joel L. Weissfeld 412-623-3313 University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology N/A
Oscar Lopez University of Pittsburgh neurology N/A
Parthasarathy Thirumala 4126482228 University of Pittsburgh neurology 200 Lothrop Street, PUH B 400 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Joseph M. Zmuda 412-624-2970 University of Pittsburgh BODY COMPOSITION, BODY FAT, body fat distribution, body mass index, body size, bone, bone alkaline phosphatase, BONE DENSITY, bone loss, bone mass density, Bone mineral content, Bone Mineral Density, bone remodeling, bone turnover, epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health 130 DeSoto Street Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
JoAnn Jones University of Pittsburgh Bellefield Professional Building 130 N. Bellefield Ave., Rm 404 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Subashan Perera 4126922365 University of Pittsburgh biostatistics Division of Geriatric medicine 3471 Fifth Ave Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Michael Gorin University of Pittsburgh Department of Ophthalmology 203 Lothrop Street, 8th Floor N/A
James T. Becker University of Pittsburgh brain MRI, MRI Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology and Psychology Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Judith Kadosh University of Pittsburgh Health Studies Office 130 N. Bellefield Ave. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Piera Kost University of Pittsburgh Health Studies Office 130 N. Bellefield Ave., Rm 400 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Iva Miljkovic-Gacic 412-624-3997 University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Emma Barinas-Mitchell University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health Department of Epidemiology N/A
Judith Saxton 412-692-2885 University of Pittsburgh cognitive function Dept. of Neurology Kaufman Medical Building, Suite 802 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Trevor J. Orchard University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology 3512 Fifth Avenue Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Wesley DeHaven University of Pittsburgh air pollution health effects Pennsylvania
Megan Marron 4123833225 University of Pittsburgh frailty, gait speed, metabolomics, Omega-3, omega-3 fatty acids, Omega-3 polysaturated fatty acids, Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, omega-6 fatty acids, Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids, omics, statistics, walking, walking ability, walking speed 130 North Bellefield Avenue Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Andrea Metti (412) 383-2615 University of Pittsburgh Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, brain health, cogintive function, dementia, dopamine 130 De Soto St 5121B, Cubicle 6 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Richard Schulz University of Pittsburgh psychosocial behavior Center for Social and Urban Reserach 121 University Place, Rm 607 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Benita Valappil University of Pittsburgh Center for Aging and Population Health The Bellefield Professional Building Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Lauren Monheim University of Pittsburgh Bellefield Professional Building 130 N. Bellefield Avenue, Room 531 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Nemin Chen University of Pittsburgh brain, cognition, Epidemiologic methods, gait N/A
Sarah Stahl University of Pittsburgh mood N/A
Elsa S. Strotmeyer 412-383-1293 University of Pittsburgh Aging, diabetes Department of Epidemiology 130 N. Bellefield Ave., Rm 515 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Stephanie Studenski 412-692-2360 University of Pittsburgh Department of Medicine (Geriatrics) VA Pittsburgh GRECC Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Tenille Leak University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health Bellefield Professional Building Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
