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CHS Directory

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First Name Last Namesort ascending E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Erika Drury 585-275-4517 University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry chronic kidney disease 601 Elmwood Avenue Box 675 Rochester New York 14642
Lydia Drumright 425-979-1147 University of Washington Aging, alcohol consumption, clinical epidemiology, cohort, Cohort study, comorbidities, comorbidity, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, Infection, infectious diseases, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal data, longitudinal studies, longitudinal study, Measurement, methodology, methods, Odds Ratio, old age, older, older adult, older adults, older persons, outcome, outcomes, prevention, psychosocial behavior, psychosocial factors, Psychosocial risk factors, Public Health, public health impact, quality of life (QOL), Questionnaire, racial differences, regression, Risk, risk assessment, risk factor, risk factors, Risk model, risk prediction, risk predictors, risk score, risk score analysis, selection bias, smoking, social determinants of health, SOCIAL FACTORS, social network, social networks, spatial epidemiology, statistical modeling, statistical testing, statistics, Test-retest reliability, utilization, vaccination, validation, validity Harborview Hospital Box 359931 Seattle Washington 98104
Matella Drum Wake Forest University School of Medicine Dept. of Public Health Sciences, Section on Biostatistics MRI Building Winston-Salem North Carolina 27157
Steven Driver 6304185878 Northwestern University health, health behaviors, health care costs, health care spending, health care utilization, health promotion, health risk behaviors, health-risk behavior, healthcare cost, healthy life, Healthy Worker Effect (HWE) 680 North Lake Shore Drive Suite 1400 Chicago Illinois 60611
Daniel Dries University of Pennsylvania Hospital of the University Pennsylvania 6 Penn Tower Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Mark Drazner 214-648-4548 UT Southwestern N/A
Zach Drager 206-897-1930 CHSCC testing N/A
Vanya Douglas N/A
Jennifer Dougherty 2067321364 University of California - San Francisco Longevity, program manager 401 Terry Ave N Seattle Washington 98109
Jagjot Dosanjh 5594511541 University of California San Francisco Peripheral Artery Disease 6434 E Orleans Ave Fresno, Ca California 93727
Amanda Donohue University of California, Irvine Dept. of Medicine - Post MD Cardiology Dept/City Tower Ste 100 Orange California 92868
Patrick Donahue NA Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health cognition, Epidemiology of Aging, physical activity 624 N. Broadway Hampton House Room 397 Baltimore Maryland 21205
Sylvie Dobrota Stanford epidemiology N/A
Mirela Dobre Case Western Reserve University/University Hospital Case Medical Center cardiovascular death, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular events, cardiovascular morbitidy, cardiovascular mortality, cardiovascular outcomes, chronic kidney disease, CVD epidemiology and prevention, CVD events, CVD mortality, CVD risk factors, ESRD, myocardial fibrosis N/A
Luc Djoussé 617-525-7591 Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, Clinical and Subclinical CVD, congestive heart failure (CHF), nutritional epidemiology 1620 Tremont St. 3rd Floor Boston Massachusetts 2120
Jingzhong Ding Wake Forest University Health Sciences J. Paul Sticht Center on Aging Medical Center Blvd. Winston-Salem North Carolina 27157
Ana Diez-Roux 267 359-6070 Drexel University School of Public Health Nesbitt Hall 3215 Market St Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Paula Diehr 206-897-1954 University of Washington cardiovascular health Department of Biostatistics Seattle Washington 98195
Mauro Di Bari University of Florence Department of Critical Care Medicine and Surgery Unit of Geriatrics and Gerontology Florence N/A 50141
Amar Dhand 4159903609 Harvard Medical School association studies, cardiovascular risk factors, cell phones, health outcomes, health outcomes research, psychosocial factors, Psychosocial risk factors, social, SOCIAL FACTORS, social isolation, social networks, SOCIAL SUPPORT 75 Francis Street Boston Massachusetts 02115
Mandip S. Dhamoon Mount Sinai School of Medicine epidemiology 1468 Madison Ave New York New York 10029
Joanne Deshler NHLBI/DERA/OA/NECB Bethsda Maryland 20892-7092
Chintan Desai Northwestern University diabetes N/A
Norma Dermond University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Rajat Deo 2152905884 University of Pennsylvania cardiology, Sudden cardiac death 3400 Spruce St 9 Founders Cardiology Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19146
