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CHS Directory

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mailsort ascending Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Joanne Deshler NHLBI/DERA/OA/NECB Bethsda Maryland 20892-7092
Denise Macias University of California, Davis General Medicine Research Clinic Ticon 1, 200 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento California 95817
Demetria McNeal University of Colorado African-Americans, built environment and health, Diabetes Mellitus, discrimination, disease progression, disparities, ethnicity; diversity; prevention; cardiovascular;, lifespan, lifestyle, lifestyle factors, lifestyle modification, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral vascular disease N/A
Delphine Borgel INSERM Unite 765 4 Av de l'Observatoire Paris N/A 75006
Dana Eldreth Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health addiction, age-related changes, Aging, anxiety, atrophy on cerebral MRI, attention, attitudes, biological aging, biomarker, brain, brain atrophy, brain health, brain imaging, brain infarct, brain MRI, brain structure, brain volumes, cogintive function, cognition, cognition function, cognition psychiatry, cognition study, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, Cognitive Domains, cognitive function, cognitive functioning, cognitive functioning; depression; dyadic analysis, Cognitive Impairment, cognitive reserve; alzheimers disease; cognitive decline, cognitive trajectories, delayed recall, dementia, depression, Depressive status, depressive symptomatology, Depressive Symptoms, development, disparities, elderly adults, elderly men and women, emotion regulation, health disparities, hippocampal volume, hippocampus, Lifecourse, lifespan, lifestyle, memory, memory impairment, Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), MRI imaging, neuropsychology, older adult, older adults, older persons, prefrontal volume, processing speed, psychology, psychosocial behavior, psychosocial development, psychosocial factors, Psychosocial risk factors, Public Health, social, social determinants of health, SOCIAL FACTORS, socioeconomic factors, Socioeconomic status (SES), white matter N/A
Deborah E. Barnes 415-221-4810, ext.4221 University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry 4150 Clement St., MC 181G San Francisco California 94121
Mark DeBoer 434-924-5956 University of Virginia School of Medicine metabolic syndrome, obesity PO Box 800386 Charlottesville Virginia 22908
Ian de Boer 206-616-5403 University of Washington diabetes, kidney disease, vitamin D metabolism Box 359606 325 9th Ave Seattle Washington 98104
Deborah A. Levine 734-936-5216 University of Michigan cardiovascular risk factors, cognitive decline, Cognitive Impairment, health disparities, stroke Division of General Medicine North Campus Research Complex Ann Arbor Michigan 48109
Diane Mitchell University of California, Davis Department of Public Health Sciences One Shields Avenue Davis California 95616
Don Bowden Wake Forest University Health Sciences Department of Cancer Biology N/A
Douglas Bauer N/A
Daniel Belsky 212-304-7580 Columbia University Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health Age, age-related changes, Aging, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, genetic risk score, gerontology, health disparities 722 W 168th St Rm 413 New York New York 10027
Douglas Wolf Syracuse University Center for Policy Research, 426 Eggers Hall Syracuse New York 13244-1020
David McNamara University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center atrial fibrillation, heart failure, racial differences Department of Cardiology 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas Texas 75390
David Tehrani University of California, Irvine Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular risk prediction, cardiovascular risk score, dyslipidemia, High sensitivity troponin, Highly sensitive cardiac troponin T N/A
David Llewellyn University of Exeter Medical School Alzheimer's dementia, dementia, neuroepidemiology, neuropsychology College House St Luke's Campus Exeter N/A
David Hanna Albert Einstein College of Medicine N/A
David Brown 631-444-3699 Washington University in St. Louis acute coronary syndromes, cardiovascular outcomes HSC 16-080 Stony Brook New York 11794
David Au University of Washington lung VA Puget Sound Health Care System 1660 Columbian Way Seattle Washington 98108
Dariush Mozaffarian Tufts University diet, fatty acids, nutrition Friedman School of Nutrition Science & Policy Massachusetts
Duke Appiah 612 626 5458 University of Minnesota cardiovascular disease epidemiology Division of Epidemiology and Community Health 1300 S 2nd St. Minneapolis Minnesota 55454
Ning Cheung University of Melbourne Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) 32 Gisborne Steet VIC 3002
Danijela Stojanovic University of Florida pharmacology N/A
Daniele Massera 3478567382 NYU cardiology 530 1st Avenue, HCC Suite 4H New York New York 10016
