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CHS Directory

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1211

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First Name Last Namesort descending E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Andrew Grupe 510-749-6297 Celera Diagnostics CNS Discovery Research 1401 Harbor Bay Parkway Alameda California 94502
Eliseo Guallar 410-614-0574 Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research Baltimore Maryland 21205
John Gunstad 330-672-2589 Kent State University 221 Kent Hall Addition Kent Ohio 44242
Deepak Gupta 6159362530 Vanderbilt University Medical Center cardiac imaging, cardiometabolic risk, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction 2525 West End Ave, Suite 300 Nashville Tennessee 37203
Jose Gutierrez 9172241244 Columbia University brain imaging, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, Brain infarcts, brain infarcts location, brain MRI, cerebral infarction, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, Cerebrovascular disease (CBD), stroke 710 W 168th street New York 10032
Laia Gutierrez-Tordera +34 660603678 University of Copenhagen Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's dementia, Alzheimer's diseae, Alzheimer's disease, alzheimers disease; risk factors; transition probabilities; progression, Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease related dementias (AD/ADRD), Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD), Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, Alzhiemer's disease, amyloid imaging, and total tau, ketone bodies, LOAD – late onset Alzheimer’s disease, Preclinical Dementia Blegdamsvej 3B, Mærsk Tårnet, 7. sal København N/A 2200
Mary N. Haan 734 646 4049 University of California, San Francisco Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Astrid Haberle Stanford University School of Medicine Aging, nonagenarian, systolic blood pressure California
Mohamad Habes +1 210-450-8416 University of Texas Health Science Center atrophy, atrophy on cerebral MRI, bioinformatics, biological aging, biomarker, biostatistics, brain imaging, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, CHARGE, Machine learning, neurodegenerative disease, neuroepidemiology, Neuroimaging 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio Texas 78229
Elaine Haig-Widner University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Thaddeus Haight University of California - Berkeley School of Public Health Berkeley California
Susan Hailpern Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Avenue Bronx New York 10461
Anjum Hajat 2066853618 University of Washington (CHSCC) air pollution health effects, area socioeconomic status, Ethnic Differences, income, longitudinal data, MESA, psychosocial factors, social determinants of health, SOCIAL FACTORS, SOCIOECONOMIC INDICATORS, Socioeconomic status (SES), stress 1959 NE Pacific Street Health Sciences Bldg, F-250E Box 357236 Seattle Washington 98195
Ihab Hajjar Hebrew Senior Life, Harvard Medical School 1200 Centre Street Boston Massachusetts 2131
Sharon Hall N/A
Ethan A. Halm 212-241-0326 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard Dallas Texas 75390-8889
Emily Hamerton UCSF cardiology N/A
Lynne Hammann Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) N/A
Brad Hammill Duke University PO Box 17969 Durham North Carolina 27715
David Hanna Albert Einstein College of Medicine N/A
Nadia Hansel Johns Hopkins University 1830 E. Monument Drive Baltimore Maryland 21205
Karen Hansen 206-897-1939 University of Washington (CHSCC) Whites 6200 NE 74th Street Seattle Washington 98115
Kimberley Hansen 336-713-5256 Wake Forest University School of Medicine renovascular disease (RVD) Head of the Section on Vascular and Endovascular Surgery Division of Surgical Sciences Winston-Salem North Carolina 27157
Jon Hardie 47-55-973245 University of Bergen Department of Thoracic Medicine Haukeland University Hospital Bergen N/A N5021
Sheetal Hardikar University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
