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First Name | Last Name | Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP | |
Rebecca | Beresic-Perrins | | University of Washington | Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 | Building 29, Suite 210 | Seattle | Washington | 98115-8160 | ||
Rebecca | Gottesman | | Johns Hopkins Hospital | Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center | Baltimore | Maryland | ||||
Rebecca | Hubbard | | University of Washington | Department of Biostatistics | Box 357232 | Seattle | Washington | 98195 | ||
Raymond | Fohtung | | Washington University School of Medicine | Internal Medicine | 1 Barnes Jewish Hospital Plaza | Saint Louis | Missouri | 63110 | ||
Ray | Burchfield | | Columbia University Joseph L. Mailman School of Public Health | 722 West 168th Street, 14th Floor | New York | New York | 10032 | |||
Ravi | Shah | | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | heart failure | N/A | |||||
Ravi | Parikh | | 404-569-6318 | University of Maryland Medical Center | Post-doctoral research fellow | 110 S. Paca St. | 07-085 | Baltimore | Maryland | 21201 |
Ravi | Patel | | 312 695 4965 | Northwestern University Medical School | atrial cardiomyopathy, atrial fibrillation, echocardiogram, heart failure, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, Sudden cardiac death | 676 N St Clair St | Suite 600 | Chicago | Illinois | 60611 |
Ravi | Varadhan | | 410-502-2619 | Johns Hopkins University | biostatistics, competing risks, confounders, cortisol, frail elderly, frailty, generalized linear models, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, gerontology, heart rate variability, interaction, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal data, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, Principal components, resilience, risk score, risk score analysis, Sex-specific analysis, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics | Department of Oncology | Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 |
Rasheeda | Williams | | 732-445-7191 | Rutgers University | program manager | 154 Bevier Rd | Piscataway | New Jersey | 08854 | |
Ranee | Chatterjee | | Duke University | N/A | ||||||
Ramy | Arnaout | | Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | N/A | ||||||
Rajesh | Kumar | | Children's Memorial Hospital | 2300 Childrens Plaza | Division of Allergy and Immunology | Chicago | Illinois | 60614 | ||
Rajat | Deo | | 2152905884 | University of Pennsylvania | cardiology, Sudden cardiac death | 3400 Spruce St | 9 Founders Cardiology | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 19146 |
Raj | Shree | | University of Washington | hypertension, Immune Cells, reproductive epidemiology | Washington | 98195 | ||||
Rafeeque | Bhadelia | | Tufts-New England Medical Center | Department of Radiology, NEMC #380 | 750 Washington Street | Boston | Massachusetts | 2111 | ||
Rachel H. | Mackey | | 412.624.5948 | University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health | adiponectin, African-Americans, apolipoprotein, arterial stiffness, association studies, asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis, atherosclerosis, augmentation index, biomarkers, BLACK AND WHITE DIFFERENCES, BMI, body mass index, Cardiac troponin T, cardiovascular, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular health, Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk factors, Caucasian, cholesterol levels, CHOLESTEROL-LOWERING DRUGS, Cigarette smoke, cigarette smoking, cigarettes, Clinical and Subclinical CVD, coronary artery calcification, coronary artery calcium, coronary calcification, ghrelin, GlycA, HDL, HDL cholesterol, hdl particles, HDL-C, High-density lipoprotein (HDL), High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), IMT, IMT progression, lipid levels, lipid lowering agents, lipid markers, lipids, lipoprotein subclasses, lipoproteins, obesity, pulse pressure, pulse wave velocity, Rheumatoid Arthritis, subclinical atherosclerosis, very low density lipoprotein, Women's Health | 542 Bellefield Professional Bldg | 130 N. Bellefield Avenue | Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania | 15213 |
Rachel | Elam | | 770-401-9506 | Augusta University | osteoporosis | 1538 River Island Parkway | Evans | Georgia | 30809 | |
Rachael | Stolzenberg-Solomon | | National Cancer Institute (NCI) | Adipokines, adiponectin, adiposity, cancer, Central adiposity, central obesity, chronic disease epidemiology, diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, diet, hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, HYPERINSULINISM | N/A | |||||
R. Nick | Bryan | | University of Pennsylvania | Radiology Deparment | 3400 Spruce Street | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 19104 | ||
R. Graham | Barr | | 212-305-4895 | Columbia University | Pulmonary | 622 W. 168th Street | PH-9 East Room 105 | New York | New York | 10032 |
Quoc Dinh | Nguyen | | Unknown | frailty, Geriatric medicine | Montreal | N/A | ||||
Qianyi | Wang | | Harvard School of Public Health | N/A | ||||||
Qianli | Xue | | 410-502-7808 | Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine | biostatistics, Epidemiology of Aging, frailty | 2024 E. Monument Street | Suite 2-700 | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 |
Qi | Zheng | | 2034079423 | Albert Einstein College of Medicine / Montefiore Medical Center | cardiology | 3450 Wayne Ave Apt 20C | Bronx | New York | 10467 |