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CHS Directory

Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 1210

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First Namesort ascending Last Name E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Adam Feldman N/A
Ace Carter Brigham Young University : depression, Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), Parkinson's disease Utah 84602
Abraham A. Ariyo 972-223-0550 Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Intervention cardiovascular disease (CVD) Medical Center at Lancaster, Lancaster, TX 2411 Poinciana Place Dallas Texas 75212
Abhijay Nadkarni University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health ADNI, Aging, alzheimers disease; risk factors; transition probabilities; progression, biomarkers, epidemiological studies, Epidemiology of Aging, gait, mobility impairment 130 De Soto Street Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Aaron Brant 443-413-4779 Columbia University endogenous sex hormones, hormone replacement therapy, testosterone 161 Fort Washington Avenue 11th Floor New York New York 10032
Aaron Troy 3019431772 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Geriatric Cardiology 330 Brookline Ave. Boston Massachusetts 02215
Aaron Folsom University of Minnesota venous thromboembolism School of Public Health Division of Epidemiology and Community Health Minneapolis Minnesota 55454
A. Yael Nossent University of Copenhagen N/A
A. Richey Sharrett 443-287-6178 Johns Hopkins University retinal Department of Epidemioloy Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore Maryland 21205
Jean L. Olson 301-435-0397 Epidemiology Branch Cohort study Prevention and Population Sciences Program Division of Cardiovascular Sciences NHLBI National Institutes 6701 Rockledge Drive, Suite 10018 Bethesda Maryland 20817
