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CHS Directory

Displaying 1101 - 1125 of 1210

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort ascending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Annette Fitzpatrick 206-897-1903 University of Washington dementia, Physical function Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115
Anna L. Harrington University of Washington Aging, air pollution, racial residential segregation, social determinants of health, social environment N/A
Biraj Karmacharya 2068613940 University of Washington Public Health 4747 30th Ave NE, Apt#167 Seattle Washington 98105
Elaine Haig-Widner University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Farrah Khan University of Washington neurology, Public Health, stroke N/A
Bill Lafferty 206-616-5085 University of Washington Department of Health Services Box 357660 Seattle Washington 98195
Robin Marshall University of Washington ..... N/A
Astrid Suchy-Dicey University of Washington chronic kidney disease, Chronic kidney failure, stroke, Strong Heart Study N/A
Molly Shores 206-755-4945 University of Washington hormone, testosterone VA Puget Sound Health Care System 1660 Columbian Way Seattle Washington 98108
Benjamin Lidgard University of Washington cardiovascular disease (CVD), chronic kidney disease, lipids Kidney Research Institute, University of Washington 908 Jefferson St, 3rd floor Seattle Washington 98104
Elanor Sidman University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine Department of Epidemiology Seattle Washington 98195
David Benkeser 206-897-1926 University of Washington Aging Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115
Graham Bevan University of Washington Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease N/A
Bryan Kestenbaum 206 785 6343 University of Washington renal, renal disease, RENAL FAILURE, Renal function, renal impairment, renal insufficiency, Renal WG Kidney Research Institute 325 ninth avenue Seattle Washington 98104
Amanda Fretts 206-287-2777 University of Washington Genetics Cardiovascular Health Research Unit 1730 Minor Ave Seattle Washington 98101
Robert Koeth 216873020 University of Washington atherosclerosis, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation; lifetime risk; prediction, atrial flutter, Cardiac arrhythmia, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), Gut microbiome 9500 euclid avenue Cleveland Ohio 44094
Ting Ye University of Washington biostatistics, causal inference, Mendelian randomization N/A
Myra Parker University of Washington School of Public Health and Community Medicine Department of Health Services N/A
Kristin Marciante 253-318-1881 University of Washington Cardiovascular Health Research Unit Metropolitan Park, East Tower Seattle Washington 98101
Mark Rieder 206-221-4195 University of Washington S233C Foege Building Box 355065 Seattle Washington
Rebecca Beresic-Perrins University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Susan Heckbert 206-221-7775 University of Washington atrial fibrillation, epidemiology Cardiovascular Health Research Unit Department of Epidemiology Seattle Washington 98195
Jerry Watson University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Ebtihag Siha University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Colleen Sitlani University of Washington biostatistics CHRU 1730 Minor Ave, Suite 1360 Seattle Washington 98101
