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CHS Directory

Displaying 751 - 775 of 1215

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First Name Last Namesort descending E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Devika Nair Vanderbilt University Medical Center Accelerated aging, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Aging, chronic kidney disease, cogintive function, cognition, cognition function, cognition psychiatry, cognition study, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, Cognitive Domains, cognitive function, cognitive functioning, cognitive functioning; depression; dyadic analysis, Cognitive Impairment, cognitive reserve; alzheimers disease; cognitive decline, cognitive trajectories, cohort, Cohort study, coping, elderly, elderly adults, end of life, end-of-life disability, Exercise capacity, exercise in elderly, frail elderly, frailty, functional assessment, functional decline, functional dependence, functional limitations, functional status, gait, gait speed, gait variability, Geriatric conditions, geriatric impairment, Geriatric medicine, geriatric medicine and assessment, geriatric syndrome, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, health behaviors, health outcomes, health outcomes research, health risk behaviors, health services research, health-risk behavior, psychology, Psychosocial, psychosocial behavior, psychosocial factors N/A
Nandini Nair 914 841 3218 Columbia University diabetes, incident diabetes, obesity 650 W 168th Street, BB2012 New York New York 10032
Saman Nazarian Johns Hopkins Hospital cardiac arrest Cardiac Electrophysiology Carnegie 592C Baltimore Maryland 21287
Ian Neeland 214-645-1267 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center cardiovascular disease epidemiology, obesity 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Mail Code 8830 Dallas Texas 75390
Michael Neider University of Wisconsin The Fundus Photograph Reading Center 406 Science Drive, Suite 400 Madison Wisconsin 53711-1068
Jennifer Nelson N/A
Tracy Nelson 970-491-6320 Colorado State University diabetes Department of Health and Exericise Science B 215E Moby Complex Fort Collins Colorado 80523
Jennifer Nettleton University of Texas Medical Center at Houston Houston Texas
Johannes Neumann uw acute coronary syndromes, NT-proBNP, troponin N/A
Anne B. Newman 412-624-3056 University of Pittsburgh 6-minute walk test, ABI, active life, active life expectancy, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), age-related changes, Aged, Aged--80 and over, Aging, cardiac mortality, cardiovascular health, cardiovascular morbitidy, cardiovascular mortality, CHS All Stars, Co-Morbidity, comorbidity, compression of morbidity, elderly, elderly adults, elderly men and women, elderly women, Epidemiologic methods, Epidemiology of Aging, frailty, functional aging, functional assessment, functional dependence, functional limitations, functional status, future years of active life, future years of healthy life, gender differences, Geriatric Cardiology, Geriatric conditions, Geriatric Heart Failure, Geriatric medicine, geriatric medicine and assessment, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, gerontology, healthy aging, healthy life, peripheral vascular, peripheral vascular disease, physical disability, physical fitness, Physical function, physical functioning, physical performance, six minute walk, timed walk, years of able life, years of healthy life (YHL) Graduate School of Public Health A527 Crabtree Hall Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Christopher Newton-Cheh Massachusetts General Hospital Cardiology Division 32 Fruit Street Boston Massachusetts 2114
Thanh Nguyen University of Melbourne Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA) 32 Gisborne Steet VIC 3002
Quoc Dinh Nguyen Unknown frailty, Geriatric medicine Montreal N/A
Hanyu Ni EBP/DECA/NHLBI/NIH Two Rockledge Center 6701 Rockledge Drive Bethesda Maryland
Carrie Nielson OHSU N/A
F. Javier Nieto Oregon State University cancer School of Medicine and Public Health Department of Population Health Sciences Eugene Oregon
Sebastian Niezen University of Pittsburgh Medical Center cardiovascular, lipoprotein lipids, liver enzymes N/A
Vishwajit Nimgaonkar 412-246-6353 University of Pittsburgh cognition psychiatry 3811 O'Hara St Room 441 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Katherine Nishimura Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center epidemiology 1100 Fairview Avenue N Seattle Washington 98109
Joyce Njoroge University of California - San Francisco cardiac, cardiology, omics, Polygenic Risk Score, Polygenic Risk Scores, proteome, proteomics N/A
Corinna Noel 845-901-7114 Epidemiology & Community Health BMI, CVD epidemiology and prevention, Diet; nutrition; epidemiology, dietary patterns, eating habits, exercise, heart failure, lifestyle, obesity, smoking 111 Brewster Street Pawtucket Rhode Island 02860
Cheryl K. Nordstom 313-577-2548 Wayne State University College of Nursing 5557 Cass Avenue Detroit Michigan 48202
A. Yael Nossent University of Copenhagen N/A
Gian Novaro 954-659-5313 Cleveland Clinic Florida Department of Cardiology, Desk A-23 2950 Cleveland Clinic Boulevard Weston Florida 33331
Catherine Nunn 3367166650 Wake Forest University cardiovascular health Piedmont Plaza I, Suite 101 1920 West First Street Winston-Salem North Carolina 27104
