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Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP | |
Anoop | Shah | | University of Cambridge | ASCVD, AsCVD Risk | N/A | |||||
Danit R. | Shahar | | 97286477452 | Ben-Gurion University | The S. Daniel Abraham International Center for Health and Nutrition | Beer-Sheva | N/A | 84105 | ||
Lisa | Sharamitaro | | 206.897.1948 | University of Washington (CHSCC) | Bldg 29, Suite 210 | 6200 NE 74th Street | Seattle | Washington | 98115 | |
Michelle | Shardell | | University of Maryland School of Medicine | 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Aging, biomarkers, biostatistics, causal inference, computer simulation, cystatin C, death bias, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, FGF-23, fibroblast growth factor 23, Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, Fine-Gray method, Geriatric conditions, Geriatrics Working Group, Gut microbiome, joint modeling, kidney function, kidney function decline, klotho, logistic regression, longitudinal models, longitudinal observational data, Machine learning, marginal structural models, metabolomics, physical disability, Physical function, proteomics, proxy assessment, PTH, Recursive partitioning, Regression trees, regularization, renal insufficiency, sarcopenia, time dependent variables, time-to-event regression | 670 W Baltimore Street | Baltimore | Maryland | 21201 | ||
Shilpa | Sharma | | UCLA | Acute Kidney Injury, Phosphate | N/A | |||||
Malveeka | Sharma | | 8137282899 | University of Washington | hemorrhagic stroke, NEUROLOGIC DISEASE, neurology | 325 9th ave | 3CT-84 | Seattle | Washington | 98104 |
A. Richey | Sharrett | | 443-287-6178 | Johns Hopkins University | retinal | Department of Epidemioloy | Bloomberg School of Public Health | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 |
Shani | Shastri | | UT Southwestern | renal | N/A | |||||
Shanshan | Sheehy | | 6178724571 | Boston Medical Center/Boston Univ. School of Medicine | Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), all-cause mortality, association studies, atrial fibrillation, bias, BLACK AND WHITE DIFFERENCES, C-reactive protein (CRP), Cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac mortality, cardiometabolic disease, cardiovascular death, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease prediction, cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular events, cardiovascular exposure, Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), cardiovascular morbitidy, cardiovascular mortality, cardiovascular outcomes, Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular risk prediction, cardiovascular risk score, cardiovascular surgery, case-control study, causal inference, cause-specific mortality, CHD, CHD mortality, classification and regression tree, Clinical and Subclinical CVD, clinical epidemiology, clinical epidemiology; nutrition; heart failure, Cohort study, confounders, Cox Proportional Hazards, Cox regression, CRP, CVD epidemiology and prevention, CVD mortality, CVD risk factors, data pooling, data reduction, Databases, Diabetes Mellitus, diet, Diet; nutrition; epidemiology, disability, disparities, disparity, elderly, elderly adults, elderly men and women, elderly women, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, follow-up study, food frequency, gender differences, gout, health disparities, health equity, health outcomes research, HEART DISEASE, inflammation, inflammation and C-reactive protein (CRP), inflammatory marker, inflammatory markers, Inflammatory mediators, inflammatory risk factors, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, longitudinal studies, mediation, metabolic syndrome, methodology, methods, nutrition, obesity, serum urate, serum urate level, SEX DIFFERENCES | 650 Albany Street | 2nd floor | Boston | Massachusetts | 02115 |
Kerry | Sheets | | University of Minnesota | Aging | N/A | |||||
Lynn | Shemanski | | 206-547-0252 | 2601 Fourth Avenue, Suite 200 | Seattle | Washington | 98121 | |||
Jeannie-Marie | Sheppard | | Johns Hopkins University | Schools of Medicine and Public Health | Department of Mental Health, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurpsychiatry | Baltimore | Maryland | 21287 | ||
Mark | Sherman | | National Cancer Institute (NCI) | 6120 Executive Blvd. | Rockville | Maryland | 208892 | |||
Duane | Sherrill | | 520-626-7513 | University of Arizona | Arizona Clinical Research Training Program | Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health | Tucson | Arizona | ||
Anoop | Sheshadri | | University of California - San Francisco | Accelerated aging, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Age, age-related changes, Aging, biological aging, biomarkers, BODY COMPOSITION, care-recipients, caregivers, caregiving, chronic kidney disease, cognitive aging, cognitive function, COMMUNITY-DWELLING ELDERLY, decline in health over time, elderly, end-stage kidney disease, endothelial dysfunction, exercise, Exercise capacity, exercise in elderly, exercise intensity, functional aging, functional assessment, functional dependence, gait speed, Geriatric medicine, kidney disease progression, kidney function decline, muscle performance, muscle strength, physical activity, Physical function, physical performance, QOL, self-rated health, walking, walking speed | 4150 Clement St | Bldg 203, Rm 3A-30 | San Francisco | California | 94121 | |
Naman | Shetty | | University of Alabama at Birmingham | congestive heart failure, congestive heart failure (CHF); genetic; GWAS, n-terminal of the prohormone brain natriuretic peptide, Natriuretic peptides | N/A | |||||
Hong | Shi | | Augusta University | Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), Adipokines, adiponectin, adiposity, aneruysm, Aorta, aortic aneurysm, arterial disease, arteriosclerosis, Asian American, atherosclerosis | Georgia | |||||
Peilin | Shi | | Tufts University | Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics | 150 Harrison Ave | Boston | Massachusetts | 02111 | ||
Yuichi | Shimada | | Columbia University | cardiomyopathy, ECHO, echocardiogram, echocardiogram abnormalities, echocardiographic correlates, echocardiographic findings, echocardiography, echocardiography (ECHO), HEART DISEASE, heart failure outcomes, heart failure; genetics, Hypertrophy, proteome, proteomics, ventricular hypertrophy, ventricular size, ventricular volume, ventricular wall thickness | N/A | |||||
Sanyog | Shitole | | 4088395440 | University of California San Francisco | biomarkers, epidemiology | 4150 Clement Street | Building 203, Room 1C-15 | San Francisco | California | 94121 |
Rupak | Shivakoti | | 2123057232 | Columbia University | CRP, diet, Diet; nutrition; epidemiology, dietary factors, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, fiber, Gut microbiome, imflammation, immunity, Infection, infectious diseases, inflammation, inflammation and C-reactive protein (CRP), inflammatory marker, metabolism, nutrient intakes, nutrition, nutritional epidemiology | 722 W 168th st | Room 705 | New York | New York | 10032 |
Michael | Shlipak | | 415-750-2093 | University of California, San Francisco | kidney disease | General Internal Medicine Section | VAMC (111A1) | San Francisco | California | 94121 |
Anna | Shmagel | | (612) 624-5346 | University of Minnesota | Autoimmunity, epidemiology | 420 Delaware Street SE, MMC 108 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | 55455 | |
Phyliss | Sholinsky | | 301-435-0703 | NHLBI | cardiovascular disease epidemiology, genetic studies, observational studies | 6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC 7936 | Room 10120 | Bethesda | Maryland | 20892 |
Molly | Shores | | 206-755-4945 | University of Washington | hormone, testosterone | VA Puget Sound Health Care System | 1660 Columbian Way | Seattle | Washington | 98108 |