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CHS Directory

Displaying 526 - 550 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort descending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Melissa Anderson 206-287-2647 Group Health Center for Health Studies 1730 Minor Ave., Ste. 1600 Seattle Washington 98101
Diane S.M. Buist 206-287-2931 Group Health Center for Health Studies 1730 Minor Ave. Seattle Washington 98101
Abraham A. Ariyo 972-223-0550 Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Intervention cardiovascular disease (CVD) Medical Center at Lancaster, Lancaster, TX 2411 Poinciana Place Dallas Texas 75212
Aravinda Chakravarti 410-502-7525 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine McKusick - Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine Broadway Research Building, Baltimore Maryland 21205
Annabelle Rodriguez 860.679.2463 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine atherosclerosis 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington Connecticut 06030
Dan Arking Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Genetics McKusick - Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine Broadway Research Building, Baltimore Maryland 21205
Seamus Whelton 504-723-2718 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine atherosclerosis, chronic disease epidemiology, epidemiology 600 N. Wolfe St Blalock 524A Baltimore Maryland 21287
Qianli Xue 410-502-7808 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine biostatistics, Epidemiology of Aging, frailty 2024 E. Monument Street Suite 2-700 Baltimore Maryland 21205
Vy Duong Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC), Cardiac electrophysiology, sudden cardiac arrest Baltimore Maryland
Roy Ziegelstein Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Department of Medicine Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center, B-1-N Baltimore Maryland 21224-2780
Carlos Weiss Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Division of Geriatric Medicine & Gerontology Mason F. Lord, 7th Floor, Center Tower Baltimore Maryland 21224-2734
Nirupama Putcha 410-550-9932 Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine COPD 5501 Hopkins Bayview Circle JHAAC 4B.32 Baltimore Maryland 21224
Richard Semba Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine N/A
Folkert W. Asselbergs +31 887553358 University Medical Center Utrecht Department of Cardiology, Division Heart & Lungs 3508 GA Utrecht, Room E03.511 The Netherlands
Alexander de Vos University Medical Center Utrecht Department of Cardiology Room E01.132, PO Box 85500
Marjolein de Weerd University Medical Center Utrecht Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care Heidelberglaan 100 3584 CX Utrecht
Susan Hailpern Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Avenue Bronx New York 10461
Gil Atzmon Albert Einstein College of Medicine Age, Aged--80 and over, Aging, DNA methylation, DNA sequence, endocrinology, gene, Gene Association, genes, genetic, genetic association, genetic association study, genetic variants, genetic variation, Genetics, genome data, Genome-wide analysis, genome-wide association, genome-wide association analysis, genome-wide association study, Genome-wide Methylation Association Study, genome-wide variation, GWAS, GWAS meta-analysis, Telomere, telomere length 1300 Morris Park Ave Bronx New York 10461
David Hanna Albert Einstein College of Medicine N/A
Sandra Aleksic 718 839 7614 Albert Einstein College of Medicine endocrinology, healthy aging, Longevity, testosterone 1225 Morris park ave Van Etten Bldg, Rm 3A-8D Bronx New York 10461
Chino Aneke 7187303610 Albert Einstein College of Medicine diabetes, insulin-like growth factors 1945 Eastchester rd 6A Bronx New York 10461
Christina Parrinello Albert Einstein College of Medicine cardiovascular disease epidemiology, diabetes N/A
Jeannette Beasley Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave Bronx New York 10461
Swapnil Rajpathak Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave Bronx New York 10461
Sara Gonzalez Albert Einstein College of Medicine N/A
