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CHS Directory

Displaying 526 - 550 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mailsort descending Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
John Danesh +44 1223 741302 University of Cambridge Department of Public Health and Primary Care Strangeways Site Cambridge N/A
John Beard 801-422-7491 Brigham Young University air pollution, case-control study, case-crossover, Cohort study, cross-sectional study, depression, Environmental epidemiology, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, marginal structural models, nested case-control study, neurodegeneration, neurodegenerative disease, neuroepidemiology, occupation, Parkinson's disease 4103 Life Sciences Building Provo Utah 84602
John Danziger MIDMC Nephrology Boston Massachusetts 2215
Jolanda Oberle University of Bern antihypertensive medication, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, Brain (B-type) natriuretic peptide, cardiovascular death, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular risk factors, carotid artery disease, carotid intima media thickness, Coronary Heart Disease Risk, CVD, elderly adults, gender, gender differences, hypercholesterolemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, hypertension medications, hypertension treatment, lipid lowering agents, lipid markers, Subclinical Hyperthyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism, subclinical thyroid disease, subclinical thyroid dysfunction N/A
Jon Hardie 47-55-973245 University of Bergen Department of Thoracic Medicine Haukeland University Hospital Bergen N/A N5021
Jon Tobias 44 117 41 47840 University of Bristol osteoporosis Musculoskeletal Research Unit Learning and Research Building Level One Bristol, BS10 5NB N/A
Jorge Kizer 415-221-4810 University of California San Francisco Adipokines, Diabetes Mellitus, echocardiography (ECHO), glucose metabolism, heart failure 4150 Clement St Cardiology Section San Francisco California 94121
Jose M. Ordovas Tufts University genetic JM-USDA-HNRCA 711 Washington St. Boston Massachusetts 2111
Jose Penalvo +1 (617) 636-3715 Tufts University nutritional epidemiology Massachusetts 02111
Joshua Bis Cardiovascular Health Research Unit genetic Metropolitan Park, East Tower 1730 Minor Avenue Seattle Washington 98101
Joshua Barzilay 770 931 6094 Kaiser Permanente antidiabetic medications, antihypertensive agents, atherosclerosis, carotid artery wall thickness, diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus, diabetes treatment, Diabetic Kidney Disease, diabetic nephropathy, frail elderly, glucose, Glucose levels, hip fracture, hypertension, insulin 3650 Steve Reynolds Blvd Duluth Georgia 30096
John Pearce (206) 897-1937 University of Washington (CHSCC) Databases, datasets Washington 98115
Jeffrey Pearce Wake Forest University School of Medicine Section on Vascular Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences PO Box 2316 Winston-Salem North Carolina 27127-2316
Joseph Polak 617-636-0040 Tufts-New England Medical Center cardiovascular disease (CVD) Department of Radiology, NEMC #380 750 Washington Street Boston Massachusetts 2111
John Crouse N/A
Jonathan Rosand Massachusetts General Hospital neurology Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard Center for Human Genetic Research, Richard B. Simches Research Center Boston Massachusetts 2114
Jerome Rotter 310 974-9501 Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute genome data, Genome-wide analysis, genome-wide association, genome-wide association analysis, genomics 1124 W. Carson Street Torrance California 90502
Jane Saczynski National Institute on Aging neurology 7201 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda Maryland 20814
Justin Sadhu 314.362.1291 Washington University in St. Louis general cardiology, preventive cardiology, heart failure outcomes 660 S Euclid Avenue Campus Box 8086 Saint Louis Missouri 63110
Jason Sanders 5088014771 Harvard University Aging, biological aging, biomarker, biomarkers, Critical Care, critical illness, Epidemiology of Aging, Pulmonary, pulmonary artery pressure, PULMONARY DISEASE, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolus, pulmonary function, pulmonary function test, pulmonary hypertension, resilience Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 75 Francis St Boston Massachusetts 02115
Jacob Sattelmair N/A
Jodi Segal 410-955-9866 Johns Hopkins diabetes, health services research, pharmacoepidemiology 624 N. Broadway Room 644 Baltimore Maryland 21205
Jordan Strom 6175133671 Harvard Medical School 2D qualitative echo, and speckle-tracking echocardiography, ECHO, echocardiogram, echocardiogram abnormalities, echocardiographic correlates, echocardiographic findings, echocardiography, echocardiography (ECHO), Valvular heart disease, Valvular Regurgitation 375 Longwood Ave Boston Massachusetts 02186
Jacqueline Suk Danik 617-278-0808 Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital 900 Commonwealth Ave. Boston Massachusetts 2215
Julie Barta (215) 955-5161 U lung, lung cancer, lung disease, lung events, lung function, lung function decline 834 Walnut Street, Suite 650 The Jane and Leonard Korman Respiratory Institute, Div of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19107
