- Medical & personal history
- Prescription medication use
- Electrocardiograms
- Cognitive & Physical function
- Depression (CESD score)
- Weight
Frequently (almost annually):
- Time to walk 15 feet
- Blood pressure
- Total cholesterol
- Over the counter medications (annually from 1993-94)
- Benton Visual Retention (beginning in 1993-94)
Repeated Measures (2-3 times):
- Phlebotomy
- Echocardiography
- Carotid ultrasound
- Ankle Arm Index
- Cranial MRI
- Pulmonary Function
- Dietary assessment
Single Measures:
- Bioelectric impedance
- Abdominal aortic ultrasound
- Sleep & asthma questionnaire
- 6 minute walk, oximetry
- Urinary albumin
- Retinal photography
- Endothelial function
- Audiometry
- Vibration / Tuning Fork
Data collected in participants subgroups.
- DXA scan
- Holter monitor
- Dementia status
- Thyroid function
- Caregiver screening
- Genetic markers and other blood lab measures
View complete study component schedule.
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