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Samsa GP, Cohen SJ, Goldstein LB, Bonito AJ, Duncan PW, Enarson C, DeFriese GH, Horner RD, Matchar DB. Knowledge of risk among patients at increased risk for stroke. Stroke. 1997 ;28(5):916-21.
Tracy RP, Psaty BM, Macy E, Bovill EG, Cushman M, Cornell ES, Kuller LH. Lifetime smoking exposure affects the association of C-reactive protein with cardiovascular disease risk factors and subclinical disease in healthy elderly subjects. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1997 ;17(10):2167-76.
Tracy RP, Lemaitre RN, Psaty BM, Ives DG, Evans RW, Cushman M, Meilahn EN, Kuller LH. Relationship of C-reactive protein to risk of cardiovascular disease in the elderly. Results from the Cardiovascular Health Study and the Rural Health Promotion Project. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1997 ;17(6):1121-7.
Price TR, Manolio TA, Kronmal RA, Kittner SJ, Yue NC, Robbins J, Anton-Culver H, O'Leary DH. Silent brain infarction on magnetic resonance imaging and neurological abnormalities in community-dwelling older adults. The Cardiovascular Health Study. CHS Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1997 ;28(6):1158-64.
Newman AB, Enright PL, Manolio TA, Haponik EF, Wahl PW. Sleep disturbance, psychosocial correlates, and cardiovascular disease in 5201 older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1997 ;45(1):1-7.
Ferreri NR, Zhao Y, Takizawa H, McGiff JC. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha-angiotensin interactions and regulation of blood pressure. J Hypertens. 1997 ;15(12 Pt 1):1481-4.
Kronmal RA, Hart RG, Manolio TA, Talbert RL, Beauchamp NJ, Newman A. Aspirin use and incident stroke in the cardiovascular health study. CHS Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1998 ;29(5):887-94.
Letovsky SI, Whitehead SH, Paik CH, Miller GA, Gerber J, Herskovits EH, Fulton TK, Bryan RN. A brain image database for structure/function analysis. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 1998 ;19(10):1869-77.
Sakkinen PA, Cushman M, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Bajaj SP, Sabharwal AK, Boineau R, Macy E, Tracy RP. Correlates of antithrombin, protein C, protein S, and TFPI in a healthy elderly cohort. Thromb Haemost. 1998 ;80(1):134-9.
Kuller L, Fisher L, McClelland R, Fried L, Cushman M, Jackson S, Manolio T. Differences in prevalence of and risk factors for subclinical vascular disease among black and white participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1998 ;18(2):283-93.
Kuller L, Fisher L, McClelland R, Fried L, Cushman M, Jackson S, Manolio T. Differences in prevalence of and risk factors for subclinical vascular disease among black and white participants in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1998 ;18(2):283-93.
Longstreth WT, Bernick C, Manolio TA, Bryan N, Jungreis CA, Price TR. Lacunar infarcts defined by magnetic resonance imaging of 3660 elderly people: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Neurol. 1998 ;55(9):1217-25.
Kuller LH, Shemanski L, Manolio T, Haan M, Fried L, Bryan N, Burke GL, Tracy R, Bhadelia R. Relationship between ApoE, MRI findings, and cognitive function in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 1998 ;29(2):388-98.
Fried LP, Kronmal RA, Newman AB, Bild DE, Mittelmark MB, Polak JF, Robbins JA, Gardin JM. Risk factors for 5-year mortality in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. JAMA. 1998 ;279(8):585-92.
Lemaitre RN, Furberg CD, Newman AB, Hulley SB, Gordon DJ, Gottdiener JS, McDonald RH, Psaty BM. Time trends in the use of cholesterol-lowering agents in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 1998 ;158(16):1761-8.
Samsa GP, Matchar DB, Goldstein L, Bonito A, Duncan PW, Lipscomb J, Enarson C, Witter D, Venus P, Paul JE, et al. Utilities for major stroke: results from a survey of preferences among persons at increased risk for stroke. Am Heart J. 1998 ;136(4 Pt 1):703-13.
Sakkinen PA, Macy EM, Callas PW, Cornell ES, Hayes TE, Kuller LH, Tracy RP. Analytical and biologic variability in measures of hemostasis, fibrinolysis, and inflammation: assessment and implications for epidemiology. Am J Epidemiol. 1999 ;149(3):261-7.
Newman AB, Shemanski L, Manolio TA, Cushman M, Mittelmark M, Polak JF, Powe NR, Siscovick D. Ankle-arm index as a predictor of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The Cardiovascular Health Study Group. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(3):538-45.
Newman AB, Shemanski L, Manolio TA, Cushman M, Mittelmark M, Polak JF, Powe NR, Siscovick D. Ankle-arm index as a predictor of cardiovascular disease and mortality in the Cardiovascular Health Study. The Cardiovascular Health Study Group. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(3):538-45.
O'Leary DH, Polak JF, Kronmal RA, Manolio TA, Burke GL, Wolfson SK. Carotid-artery intima and media thickness as a risk factor for myocardial infarction and stroke in older adults. Cardiovascular Health Study Collaborative Research Group. N Engl J Med. 1999 ;340(1):14-22.
Cushman M, Lemaitre RN, Kuller LH, Psaty BM, Macy EM, Sharrett AR, Tracy RP. Fibrinolytic activation markers predict myocardial infarction in the elderly. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(3):493-8.
Cushman M, Meilahn EN, Psaty BM, Kuller LH, Dobs AS, Tracy RP. Hormone replacement therapy, inflammation, and hemostasis in elderly women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 1999 ;19(4):893-9.
White RH, McBurnie MA, Manolio T, Furberg CD, Gardin JM, Kittner SJ, Bovill E, Knepper L. Oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation: adherence with guidelines in an elderly cohort. Am J Med. 1999 ;106(2):165-71.
White RH, McBurnie MA, Manolio T, Furberg CD, Gardin JM, Kittner SJ, Bovill E, Knepper L. Oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation: adherence with guidelines in an elderly cohort. Am J Med. 1999 ;106(2):165-71.
Bhadelia RA, Anderson M, Polak JF, Manolio TA, Beauchamp N, Knepper L, O'Leary DH. Prevalence and associations of MRI-demonstrated brain infarcts in elderly subjects with a history of transient ischemic attack. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Stroke. 1999 ;30(2):383-8.
