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Kronmal RA, Hart RG, Manolio TA, Talbert RL, Beauchamp NJ, Newman A. Aspirin use and incident stroke in the cardiovascular health study. CHS Collaborative Research Group. Stroke. 1998 ;29(5):887-94.
Newsom JT, Schulz R. Caregiving from the recipient's perspective: negative reactions to being helped. Health Psychol. 1998 ;17(2):172-81.
Gleason PP, Schulz R, Smith NL, Newsom JT, Kroboth PD, Kroboth FJ, Psaty BM. Correlates and prevalence of benzodiazepine use in community-dwelling elderly. J Gen Intern Med. 1998 ;13(4):243-50.
Whitney CW, Enright PL, Newman AB, Bonekat W, Foley D, Quan SF. Correlates of daytime sleepiness in 4578 elderly persons: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Sleep. 1998 ;21(1):27-36.
Whitney CW, Gottlieb DJ, Redline S, Norman RG, Dodge RR, Shahar E, Surovec S, Nieto FJ. Reliability of scoring respiratory disturbance indices and sleep staging. Sleep. 1998 ;21(7):749-57.
Whitney CW, Gottlieb DJ, Redline S, Norman RG, Dodge RR, Shahar E, Surovec S, Nieto FJ. Reliability of scoring respiratory disturbance indices and sleep staging. Sleep. 1998 ;21(7):749-57.
Fried LP, Kronmal RA, Newman AB, Bild DE, Mittelmark MB, Polak JF, Robbins JA, Gardin JM. Risk factors for 5-year mortality in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. JAMA. 1998 ;279(8):585-92.
Lemaitre RN, Furberg CD, Newman AB, Hulley SB, Gordon DJ, Gottdiener JS, McDonald RH, Psaty BM. Time trends in the use of cholesterol-lowering agents in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 1998 ;158(16):1761-8.
