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Peloso GM, Auer PL, Bis JC, Voorman A, Morrison AC, Stitziel NO, Brody JA, Khetarpal SA, Crosby JR, Fornage M, et al. Association of low-frequency and rare coding-sequence variants with blood lipids and coronary heart disease in 56,000 whites and blacks. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;94(2):223-32.
Ganesh SK, Chasman DI, Larson MG, Guo X, Verwoert G, Bis JC, Gu X, Smith AV, Yang M-L, Zhang Y, et al. Effects of long-term averaging of quantitative blood pressure traits on the detection of genetic associations. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;95(1):49-65.
Simino J, Shi G, Bis JC, Chasman DI, Ehret GB, Gu X, Guo X, Hwang S-J, Sijbrands E, Smith AV, et al. Gene-age interactions in blood pressure regulation: a large-scale investigation with the CHARGE, Global BPgen, and ICBP Consortia. Am J Hum Genet. 2014 ;95(1):24-38.
C Y Ng M, Shriner D, Chen BH, Li J, Chen W-M, Guo X, Liu J, Bielinski SJ, Yanek LR, Nalls MA, et al. Meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies in African Americans provides insights into the genetic architecture of type 2 diabetes. PLoS Genet. 2014 ;10(8):e1004517.
Postmus I, Trompet S, Deshmukh HA, Barnes MR, Li X, Warren HR, Chasman DI, Zhou K, Arsenault BJ, Donnelly LA, et al. Pharmacogenetic meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of LDL cholesterol response to statins. Nat Commun. 2014 ;5:5068.
Ibrahim-Verbaas CA, Fornage M, Bis JC, Choi SHoan, Psaty BM, Meigs JB, Rao M, Nalls M, Fontes JD, O'Donnell CJ, et al. Predicting stroke through genetic risk functions: the CHARGE Risk Score Project. Stroke. 2014 ;45(2):403-12.
Morrison AC, Bis JC, Hwang S-J, Ehret GB, Lumley T, Rice K, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, Boerwinkle E, Psaty BM, et al. Sequence analysis of six blood pressure candidate regions in 4,178 individuals: the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) targeted sequencing study. PLoS One. 2014 ;9(10):e109155.
