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CHS Directory

Displaying 251 - 275 of 1210

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First Namesort descending Last Name E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
David Nyenhuis 312-355-5415 University of Illinois - Chicago neurology Department of Neurology and Rehabilitation Center for Stroke Research Chicago Illinois 60612
David Siscovick 212-822-7263 New York Academy of Medicine Geriatrics 1216 5th Avenue New York New York 10029
David Allison University of Alabama, Birmingham Department of Biostatistics School of Public Health Birmingham Alabama 35294-0022
David Herrington 336-716-4950 Wake Forest University School of Medicine Dept. of Public Health Sciences, Section on Biostatistics MRI Building Winston-Salem North Carolina 27157
David Bleich 9088684750 Rutgers University Diabetes Mellitus, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome 185 South Orange Ave, MSB I-588 Newark New Jersey 07103
David C. Steffens Duke University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Box 3903 Durham North Carolina 27710
Deborah A. Levine 734-936-5216 University of Michigan cardiovascular risk factors, cognitive decline, Cognitive Impairment, health disparities, stroke Division of General Medicine North Campus Research Complex Ann Arbor Michigan 48109
Deborah E. Barnes 415-221-4810, ext.4221 University of California, San Francisco Department of Psychiatry 4150 Clement St., MC 181G San Francisco California 94121
Deborah M. Green 808-585-5322 University of Hawaii School of Medicine The Queen's Medical center Neuroscience Institute, QET 5 Honolulu Hawaii 96813
Deepak Gupta 6159362530 Vanderbilt University Medical Center cardiac imaging, cardiometabolic risk, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction 2525 West End Ave, Suite 300 Nashville Tennessee 37203
Delphine Borgel INSERM Unite 765 4 Av de l'Observatoire Paris N/A 75006
Demetria McNeal University of Colorado African-Americans, built environment and health, Diabetes Mellitus, discrimination, disease progression, disparities, ethnicity; diversity; prevention; cardiovascular;, lifespan, lifestyle, lifestyle factors, lifestyle modification, peripheral arterial disease, peripheral vascular disease N/A
Dena Rifkin UC San Diego kidney disease VA MC - La Jolla Ste. 9111 La Jolla California 92039
Denise Macias University of California, Davis General Medicine Research Clinic Ticon 1, 200 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento California 95817
Denise Houston Wake Forest University School of Medicine Geriatric conditions N/A
Devika Nair Vanderbilt University Medical Center Accelerated aging, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Aging, chronic kidney disease, cogintive function, cognition, cognition function, cognition psychiatry, cognition study, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, Cognitive Domains, cognitive function, cognitive functioning, cognitive functioning; depression; dyadic analysis, Cognitive Impairment, cognitive reserve; alzheimers disease; cognitive decline, cognitive trajectories, cohort, Cohort study, coping, elderly, elderly adults, end of life, end-of-life disability, Exercise capacity, exercise in elderly, frail elderly, frailty, functional assessment, functional decline, functional dependence, functional limitations, functional status, gait, gait speed, gait variability, Geriatric conditions, geriatric impairment, Geriatric medicine, geriatric medicine and assessment, geriatric syndrome, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, health behaviors, health outcomes, health outcomes research, health risk behaviors, health services research, health-risk behavior, psychology, Psychosocial, psychosocial behavior, psychosocial factors N/A
Diana Welmerink University of Michigan School of Social Work 1080 S. University, Room 3759 Ann Arbor Michigan 48109
Diana Jalal 720-425-4154 University of Iowa chronic kidney disease Nephrology Division Iowa City Iowa 52242
Diane Bild EP/DPPS/NHLBI/NIH Two Rockledge Center 6701 Rockledge Drive Bethesda Maryland 20892-7936
Diane Mitchell University of California, Davis Department of Public Health Sciences One Shields Avenue Davis California 95616
Diane Ives 412.383.1890 University of Pittsburgh CVD events Bellefield Professional Building 130 N. Bellefield Ave., Rm 541 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Diane S.M. Buist 206-287-2931 Group Health Center for Health Studies 1730 Minor Ave. Seattle Washington 98101
Dominik Steubl 617-6368524 Tufts Medical Center biomarker, biomarkers, chronic kidney disease, Chronic kidney failure, Nephrology 35 Kneeland St Boston Massachusetts 02111
Don Bowden Wake Forest University Health Sciences Department of Cancer Biology N/A
Donald Lloyd-Jones 312-908-7914 Northwestern University cardiovascular disease (CVD) Feinberg School of Medicine Department of Preventive Medicine Chicago Illinois 60611
