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CHS Directory

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort descending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Ye Yan NHLBI age-related changes, Aging, Alzheimer’s disease, Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease N/A
Cashell Jaquish NHLBI Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications 6701 Rockledge Drive. MSC 7934, Rm. 8170 Bethesda Maryland 20892-7934
Cheryl Jennings NHLBI Rockledge II, Room 6120, MSC 7902 6701 Rockledge Drive Bethesda Maryland 20892-7902
Sean Coady 301-435-1289 NHLBI 6701 Rockledge Driv MSC 7934 Bethesda Maryland 20892
Yuling Hong NHLBI active life expectancy, AF, Aging, air pollution health effects, all-cause mortality, Anti-Hypertensive Therapy, ASCVD, AsCVD Risk, atrial fibrillation, atrial fibrillation; lifetime risk; prediction, brain health, C-reactive protein (CRP), cardiometabolic disease, cardiometabolic risk, cardiometabolic risk factors, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease prediction, cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular gene, Cardiovascular Genetics, cardiovascular health, cardiovascular morbitidy, cardiovascular mortality, cardiovascular outcomes, Cardiovascular Prevention, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk factors, cardiovascular risk prediction, cardiovascular risk score, causal inference, causality, cause-specific mortality, Cerebrovascular disease (CBD), Cerebrovascular risk factors, CHD, CHD mortality, cholesterol, cohort, Cohort study, comorbidities, Coronary Heart Disease Risk, CV Epidemiology, CV risk, CVD epidemiology and prevention, CVD mortality, dietary sodium, disease burden, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, fasting insulin, Genetic analysis of cardiovascular-related traits, genetic association, genetic epidemiology, HOMA-IR, hypercholesterolemia, hyperinsulinemia, hyperlipidemia, hypertension, ICD CODES, IGF-1, IGFBP, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), incidence, Insulin resistance, Insulin sensitivity, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), insulin-like growth factors, ischemic heart disease, LDL cholesterol, life expectancy, Life's Simple 7, morbidity, mortality, myocardial infarction, observational studies, oral glucose tolerance, population-based, prevalence, prevention, Primary prevention, rate ratio, risk factor, risk factor awareness, risk factor control, risk prediction, risk score N/A
Julia Howze NHLBI 6701 Rockledge Drive Room 8100B Bethesda Maryland 20892-7938
Jared Reis NHLBI 25(OH)D, Epidemiologic methods N/A
Tuan Huynh NHLBI Office of Aquisitions 6701 Rockledge Drive. MSC 7902 Bethesda Maryland 20982-7902
Ryan Andrews Johns Hopkins University AD, biological aging, biostatistics, Brain infarcts, Cerebrovascular risk factors, cognition function, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, cognitive functioning, dementia, Epidemiologic methods, Epidemiology of Aging, exercise in elderly, exercise intensity, gerontology, heterogeneity of treatment effect, hippocampus, Incident Dementia, informative observation times, linear regression, LOAD – late onset Alzheimer’s disease, logistic regression, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, longitudinal observational data, longitudinal trajectories, Measurement error, mechanisms, mediation, Mediator, Mental health, methodology, methods, Mild Cognitive Impairment, misclassification, mismeasured variables, missing covariates, missing data, Models–Theoretical, nested case-control study, neuroepidemiology, neurological diseases, neuropsychological test performance, neuropsychology, Odds Ratio, older adult, older adults, older persons, Poisson regression, Post-doctoral research fellow, regression, selection bias, simulation, simulation study, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics, Survival, survival analysis, survival models, time dependent variables, time-to-event regression N/A
Patricia M. Crowley Johns Hopkins University Public Health 1100 Dual Highway, Suite A Hagerstown Maryland 21740
Kunihiro Matsushita Johns Hopkins University albuminuria, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, chronic kidney disease, peripheral arterial disease N/A
Prasanna Santhanam PSANTHA1@JHU.EDU 6462818111 Johns Hopkins University diabetes, endocrinology, lipid metabolism, thyroid 10513 Laurel Ridge Road Ashland Kentucky 41102
Ching-Yu Cheng Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Epidemiology Balitmore Maryland 21224
Nadia Hansel Johns Hopkins University 1830 E. Monument Drive Baltimore Maryland 21205
A. Richey Sharrett 443-287-6178 Johns Hopkins University retinal Department of Epidemioloy Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore Maryland 21205
Lynda Burton Johns Hopkins University Occupational and Environmental Health Bloomberg School of Public Health Baltimore Maryland 21205
Constatine G. Lyketsos 410-955-6158 Johns Hopkins University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neuropsychiatry Baltimore Maryland 21205
Zheyu Wang Johns Hopkins University biostatistics N/A
Lisa Mummert Johns Hopkins University Program Coordinator 1100 Dual Highway, Suite A Hagerstown Maryland 21740
Ravi Varadhan 410-502-2619 Johns Hopkins University biostatistics, competing risks, confounders, cortisol, frail elderly, frailty, generalized linear models, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, gerontology, heart rate variability, interaction, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal data, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, Principal components, resilience, risk score, risk score analysis, Sex-specific analysis, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics Department of Oncology Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center Baltimore Maryland 21205
Sheila R. Gonzalgo 410-502-0218 Johns Hopkins University Center on Aging and Health 2024 E. Monument St., Suite 2-700 Baltimore Maryland 21205
Jeremy Walston 410-550-1003 Johns Hopkins University frailty, molecular biology JHAAC 5501 Bayview Circle, Rm 1A.62 Baltimore Maryland 21224
Jeannie-Marie Sheppard Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health Department of Mental Health, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurpsychiatry Baltimore Maryland 21287
Joyce B. Chabot Johns Hopkins University epidemiology 1100 Dual Highway, Suite A Hagerstown Maryland 21740
Peter P. Zandi 410-614-2686 Johns Hopkins University epidemiology Bloomberg School of Public Health Department of Mental Health Baltimore Maryland 21205
