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First Name | Last Name | Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP | |
Kathryn A. | Britton | KBRITTON@PARTNERS.ORG | Partners HealthCare | diabetes | N/A | |||||
Lilah | Besser | | 561-297-0614 | U | Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, cognition, disparities, neighborhood environment, Neighborhood socioeconomic status | 777 Glades Rd | Boca Raton | Florida | 33431 | |
Paul | Enright | | U | lung | 4460 East Ina Road | Tucson | Arizona | 85718 | ||
Agarwal | Sunil | | U | 255 South Ellwood Avenue | MD | N/A | USA | |||
Jinesh | Kochar | | U | diabetes | N/A | |||||
Melvin | Echols | | 9194525788 | U | CVD, CVD epidemiology and prevention, heart failure, heart failure outcomes, Heart failure phenotype. HFpeF, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction, heart failure; genetics | 720 Westview Dr. | Atlanta | Georgia | 30310 | |
Paweł | Matusik | | +48 694 649 020 | U | AF, Age, age-related changes, Aged--80 and over, Aging, anti-arrhythmics, anticoagulants, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, autonomic dysfunction, autonomic function, biomarker, cardiac arrest, Cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac autonomic modulation, cardiac biomarkers, Cardiac electrophysiology, CHA2DS2VASc score, EKG, electrocardiogram, electrocardiograph, electrocardiographic abnormalities, Electrocardiography (ECG), Electrocardiology, electrophysiology, heart rate turbulence, heart rate variability, Holter, holter ECG, HRT, HRV, incident atrial fibrillation, pharmacology, SCD, sudden cardiac arrest, Sudden cardiac death, Sudden death | 80 Pradnicka St. | 31-202 | Krakow | N/A | |
Lee | Gilkerson | | 513-558-6140 | U | intraparenchymal (intracerebral) hemorrhage | 260 Stetson St, Ste 2300 | Cincinnati | Ohio | 45267 | |
Julie | Barta | | (215) 955-5161 | U | lung, lung cancer, lung disease, lung events, lung function, lung function decline | 834 Walnut Street, Suite 650 | The Jane and Leonard Korman Respiratory Institute, Div of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 19107 |
Patrycja | Matusik | | U | Artificial Intelligence; Deep Learning; Heart Rate Variability; Cardiovascular Disease, brain imaging, cardiac imaging, Imaging, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Neuroimaging | Krakow | N/A | ||||
Isaac | Whitman | | 267-800-5465 | U | AF, alcohol, arrhythmia, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk prediction, ventricular arrhythmia | 3401 N Broad Street | Parkinson Pavilion, 9th Floor | Philadelphia | Pennsylvania | 19140 |
Nketi | Forbang | | U | N/A | ||||||
Steven | Levine | | 718 270 3188 | U | Anticardiolipin antibodies, atherothrombotic stroke, brain infarct, Brain infarcts, brain vascular disease, CEREBRAL INFARCTIONS, Cerebrovascular disease (CBD), Cerebrovascular disorders, Cerebrovascular risk factors, covert brain infarcts, disparities, Ethnic Differences, fatigue, hemorrhagic stroke, infarcts, ischemic stroke, lacunar infarct, longitudinal, longitudinal change, longitudinal data, longitudinal studies, MRI infarct, MRI-defined infarcts, Neurology WG, psychosocial factors, Psychosocial risk factors, psychosocial trajectories, risk prediction, risk predictors, risk stratification, stroke, stroke prediction, stroke risk model, thrombosis, tissue plasminogen activator, tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), transient ischemic attack, transient neurological events | Department of Neurology | MSC 1213 | Brooklyn | New York | 11203 |
Varsha | Vimalananda | | Boston Medical Cente | diabetes | N/A | |||||
Allen | Tong | | UC Davis | Internal Medicine | PSSb 2400 | 4150 V Street | Sacramento | California | 95817 | |
Mary | Misquez | | 916 734-4637 | UC Davis | CHS, CHS All Stars | 2000 Stockton Blvd suite 100 | Sacramento | California | 95817 | |
Flora | Chang | | UC Davis | Geriatric medicine, Geriatrics | N/A | |||||
Lorien | Dalrymple | | UC Davis | renal | N/A | |||||
Kelly | Fujikawa | | UC Davis | Aging | N/A | |||||
Alanna | Chamberlain | | Mayo | 1300 S. 2nd St, Suite 300 | Minneapolis | Minnesota | 55454 | |||
Elizabeth | Bell | | Mayo | cardiovascular disease epidemiology | Minneapolis | Minnesota | ||||
Shannon | Dunlay | | Mayo | N/A | ||||||
Amy | Kelley | | Icahn School of Medicine | N/A | ||||||
Sylvie | Dobrota | | Stanford | epidemiology | N/A | |||||
Mintu | Turakhia | | Stanford | N/A |