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First Name |
Last Name![]() |
Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP | |
Andrew | Grupe | | 510-749-6297 | Celera Diagnostics | CNS Discovery Research | 1401 Harbor Bay Parkway | Alameda | California | 94502 | |
Eliseo | Guallar | | 410-614-0574 | Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Medicine | Department of Epidemiology | Center for Prevention, Epidemiology, and Clinical Research | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 | |
John | Gunstad | | 330-672-2589 | Kent State University | 221 Kent Hall Addition | Kent | Ohio | 44242 | ||
Deepak | Gupta | | 6159362530 | Vanderbilt University Medical Center | cardiac imaging, cardiometabolic risk, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction | 2525 West End Ave, Suite 300 | Nashville | Tennessee | 37203 | |
Jose | Gutierrez | | 9172241244 | Columbia University | brain imaging, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, Brain infarcts, brain infarcts location, brain MRI, cerebral infarction, Cerebral Small Vessel Disease, Cerebrovascular disease (CBD), stroke | 710 W 168th street | New York | 10032 | ||
Laia | Gutierrez-Tordera | | +34 660603678 | University of Copenhagen | Alzheimer Disease, Alzheimer's dementia, Alzheimer's diseae, Alzheimer's disease, alzheimers disease; risk factors; transition probabilities; progression, Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease related dementias (AD/ADRD), Alzheimer’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease-related dementias (AD/ADRD), Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, Alzhiemer's disease, amyloid imaging, and total tau, ketone bodies, LOAD – late onset Alzheimer’s disease, Preclinical Dementia | Blegdamsvej 3B, Mærsk Tårnet, 7. sal | København | N/A | 2200 | |
Mary N. | Haan | | 734 646 4049 | University of California, San Francisco | Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics | |||||
Astrid | Haberle | | Stanford University School of Medicine | Aging, nonagenarian, systolic blood pressure | California | |||||
Mohamad | Habes | | +1 210-450-8416 | University of Texas Health Science Center | atrophy, atrophy on cerebral MRI, bioinformatics, biological aging, biomarker, biostatistics, brain imaging, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, CHARGE, Machine learning, neurodegenerative disease, neuroepidemiology, Neuroimaging | 7703 Floyd Curl Drive | San Antonio | Texas | 78229 | |
Elaine | Haig-Widner | | University of Washington | Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 | Building 29, Suite 210 | Seattle | Washington | 98115-8160 | ||
Thaddeus | Haight | | University of California - Berkeley | School of Public Health | Berkeley | California | ||||
Susan | Hailpern | | Albert Einstein College of Medicine | 1300 Morris Park Avenue | Bronx | New York | 10461 | |||
Anjum | Hajat | | 2066853618 | University of Washington (CHSCC) | air pollution health effects, area socioeconomic status, Ethnic Differences, income, longitudinal data, MESA, psychosocial factors, social determinants of health, SOCIAL FACTORS, SOCIOECONOMIC INDICATORS, Socioeconomic status (SES), stress | 1959 NE Pacific Street | Health Sciences Bldg, F-250E Box 357236 | Seattle | Washington | 98195 |
Ihab | Hajjar | | Hebrew Senior Life, Harvard Medical School | 1200 Centre Street | Boston | Massachusetts | 2131 | |||
Sharon | Hall | | N/A | |||||||
Ethan A. | Halm | | 212-241-0326 | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | 5323 Harry Hines Boulevard | Dallas | Texas | 75390-8889 | ||
Emily | Hamerton | | UCSF | cardiology | N/A | |||||
Lynne | Hammann | | Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health | Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) | N/A | |||||
Brad | Hammill | | Duke University | PO Box 17969 | Durham | North Carolina | 27715 | |||
David | Hanna | | Albert Einstein College of Medicine | N/A | ||||||
Nadia | Hansel | | Johns Hopkins University | 1830 E. Monument Drive | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 | |||
Karen | Hansen | | 206-897-1939 | University of Washington (CHSCC) | Whites | 6200 NE 74th Street | Seattle | Washington | 98115 | |
Kimberley | Hansen | | 336-713-5256 | Wake Forest University School of Medicine | renovascular disease (RVD) | Head of the Section on Vascular and Endovascular Surgery | Division of Surgical Sciences | Winston-Salem | North Carolina | 27157 |
Jon | Hardie | | 47-55-973245 | University of Bergen | Department of Thoracic Medicine | Haukeland University Hospital | Bergen | N/A | N5021 | |
Sheetal | Hardikar | | University of Washington | Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 | Building 29, Suite 210 | Seattle | Washington | 98115-8160 |