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CHS Directory

Displaying 1076 - 1100 of 1211

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First Name Last Namesort ascending E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Joshua Bundy 504-988-3970 Tulane University Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, chronic renal disease, CVD risk factors 1440 Canal Street Suite 2000 New Orleans Louisiana 70124
Diane S.M. Buist 206-287-2931 Group Health Center for Health Studies 1730 Minor Ave. Seattle Washington 98101
Matthew Budoff 3102224107 Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute atherosclerosis, CAC, coronary events 1124 W Carson Street Torrance California 90502
Christopher Bryson Seattle Veterans Affairs Medical Center General Internal Medicine 1660 S. Columbian Way Seattle Washington 98108
R. Nick Bryan University of Pennsylvania Radiology Deparment 3400 Spruce Street Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Erika Brutsaert 917-232-7550 Albert Einstein College of Medicine/ Montefiore Medical Center diabetes 400 East 89th St Apt 11H New York New York 10128
Arleen Brown 310-794-6047 UCLA diabetes, Neighborhood socioeconomic status, social determinants of health 1100 Glendon Avenue, Suite 850 GIM and HSR Los Angeles California 90024
David Brown 631-444-3699 Washington University in St. Louis acute coronary syndromes, cardiovascular outcomes HSC 16-080 Stony Brook New York 11794
Becky Brott VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System Geriatrics N/A
Jennifer Brody University of Washington Genetics 1730 Minor Ave, Suite 1360 Seattle Washington 98101
Kathryn A. Britton KBRITTON@PARTNERS.ORG Partners HealthCare diabetes N/A
Evan Brittain 615 322-4382 Vanderbilt University Medical Center pulmonary hypertension 2525 West End Avenue Suite 300A Nashville Tennessee 37203
Emily Briceno 734-936-7052 University of Michigan Aging, Alzhiemer's disease, cognition, cognitive decline, cognitive trajectories, dementia, health disparities, Mild Cognitive Impairment, neuropsychology Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Psychology & Neuropsychology Ann Arbor Michigan 48103
John Breitner 206-277-1662 University of Washington School of Medicine Division of Geriatric Psychiatry Seattle Washington 98108
Meredith Braskie 323-442-7246 University of Southern California MRI imaging, normal aging 4676 Admiralty Way, 4th floor Imaging Genetics Center Marina del Rey California 90292
Aaron Brant 443-413-4779 Columbia University endogenous sex hormones, hormone replacement therapy, testosterone 161 Fort Washington Avenue 11th Floor New York New York 10032
Jennifer Brach 412-383-6533 University of Pittsburgh Department of Physical Therapy 6035 Forbes Tower Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15260
Christina Boyle 3102831949 USC Keck School of Medicine AD 4676 Admiralty Way 4th Floor Marina del Rey, California 90292
Don Bowden Wake Forest University Health Sciences Department of Cancer Biology N/A
Erin Bouldin uw Geriatrics N/A
Robert Boudreau University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health age-related changes, Aging, all-cause mortality, biostatistics, Epidemiologic methods, longitudinal methods, longitudinal observational data, longitudinal trajectories, risk factors Pennsylvania
Michael Bots +31887559352 Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, carotid imt, carotid intima-media thickness University Medical Center Utrecht Heidelberglaan 100 The Netherlands
Anna Bortnick 718-904-3457 Albert Einstein College of Medicine / Montefiore Medical Center aortic valve disease, cardiology, interventional cardiology, lipid metabolism Jack D. Weiler Hospital 1825 Eastchester Road Bronx New York 10461
Delphine Borgel INSERM Unite 765 4 Av de l'Observatoire Paris N/A 75006
Jamila Bookwala 610-330-5285 Lafayette College gerontology Psychology Department Easton Pennsylvania 18042
