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CHS Directory

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First Name Last Namesort ascending E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Alice Arnold 206-897-1901 University of Washington biostatistics Building 29, Suite 310 6200 NE 74th Street Seattle Washington 98115
Ramy Arnaout Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center N/A
Nicole Armstrong Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health cognitive aging, dementia Center on Aging and Health 2024 E. Monument Street, Suite 2-700 Baltimore Maryland 21205
Dan Arking Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine Genetics McKusick - Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine Broadway Research Building, Baltimore Maryland 21205
Abraham A. Ariyo 972-223-0550 Center for Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Intervention cardiovascular disease (CVD) Medical Center at Lancaster, Lancaster, TX 2411 Poinciana Place Dallas Texas 75212
Lenore Arab UCLA neurology David Geffen School of Medicine 12-262 Factor Bldg Los Angeles California 90095
Duke Appiah 612 626 5458 University of Minnesota cardiovascular disease epidemiology Division of Epidemiology and Community Health 1300 S 2nd St. Minneapolis Minnesota 55454
Kaarin Anstey +61 2 412935746 University of New South Wales (SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA) 3MSE, AAA, age-related changes, Alzheimer Disease, epidemiology Matthews Building UNSW Sydney, Kensington Sydney N/A 2032
Chino Aneke 7187303610 Albert Einstein College of Medicine diabetes, insulin-like growth factors 1945 Eastchester rd 6A Bronx New York 10461
Ryan Andrews Johns Hopkins University AD, biological aging, biostatistics, Brain infarcts, Cerebrovascular risk factors, cognition function, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, cognitive functioning, dementia, Epidemiologic methods, Epidemiology of Aging, exercise in elderly, exercise intensity, gerontology, heterogeneity of treatment effect, hippocampus, Incident Dementia, informative observation times, linear regression, LOAD – late onset Alzheimer’s disease, logistic regression, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, longitudinal observational data, longitudinal trajectories, Measurement error, mechanisms, mediation, Mediator, Mental health, methodology, methods, Mild Cognitive Impairment, misclassification, mismeasured variables, missing covariates, missing data, Models–Theoretical, nested case-control study, neuroepidemiology, neurological diseases, neuropsychological test performance, neuropsychology, Odds Ratio, older adult, older adults, older persons, Poisson regression, Post-doctoral research fellow, regression, selection bias, simulation, simulation study, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics, Survival, survival analysis, survival models, time dependent variables, time-to-event regression N/A
Melissa Anderson 206-287-2647 Group Health Center for Health Studies 1730 Minor Ave., Ste. 1600 Seattle Washington 98101
Tim Anderson Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Aging N/A
Heba Alwan University of Bern cardiometabolic disease, cardiometabolic risk factors, diabetes, Thyroid disease Mittelstrasse 43 Bern N/A 3012
Afnan Alswyan University of Washington Aging, competing risk methods, construct validation, development, health disparities, health related quality of life (HRQL), hospitalization, latent variable models, Measurement, Models–Theoretical, predictive model, Psychosocial risk factors, recovery, social determinants of health, statistical modeling Washington
Laith Alshawabkeh University of Iowa Geriatric Cardiology 200 Hawkins Drive Iowa City Iowa 52242
Alvaro Alonso University of Minnesota N/A
Omar Alomar 3144798500 Washington University in St. Louis Anti-Hypertensive Therapy, apnea, Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), arrhythmia, arterial disease, Arteries, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrillation, CABG, CAD, Cardiac Amyloidosis, Cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac biomarkers, Cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac imaging, cardiac mortality, cardiovascular, cardiovascular death, Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS), CHF, Chronic kidney failure, coronary disease, echocardiography, elderly, gender differences, heart rate, heart rate variability, HFPEF, HRT, HRV 660 S Euclid Ave Saint Louis Missouri 63110
Mark Aloia National Jewish Medical and Research Center 1400 Jackson Street Denver Colorado 80206
Heather Allore N/A
David Allison University of Alabama, Birmingham Department of Biostatistics School of Public Health Birmingham Alabama 35294-0022
Matthew A. Allison 858-822-3585 University of California, San Diego Family and Preventive Medicine 3855 Health Sciences Drive, MC 0817 La Jolla California 92093
Naomi Allen 0044 1865 743805 University of Oxford epidemiological studies, IGF-I, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), mortality, prospective, Prospective Studies, prostate cancer, Type 2 diabetes mellitus Nuffield Dept Population Health, Big Data Institute Roosevelt Drive OXFORD N/A
Norrina Allen Northwestern University Aging, alzheimers disease; risk factors; transition probabilities; progression, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, comorbidity, compression of morbidity, CV Epidemiology, CVD epidemiology and prevention, dementia, dementia-free survival, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, health outcomes, health outcomes research, healthcare utilization, healthy life, hypertension, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal change, longitudinal data, longitudinal methods, longitudinal observational data, risk prediction N/A
Hooman Allayee 323-442-1736 USC Keck School of Medicine Dept. of Preventive Medicine 2250 Alcazar St., IGM 206 Los Angeles California 90033
George S. Alexopoulos 914-997-5767 Cornell University Weill-Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry 21 Bloomingdale Road White Plains New York 10605
