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CHS Directory

Displaying 376 - 400 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mailsort descending Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Gordon Huggins 617-636-2807 Tufts Medical Center aortic valve disease, cardiomyopathy, genetic association study, genome-wide association analysis, heart failure Molecular Cardiology Research Institute, Box 7003 Tufts Medical Center Boston Massachusetts 02111
Donna M. Gibbons University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology/GSPH 207 Parran Hall Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Gil Atzmon Albert Einstein College of Medicine Age, Aged--80 and over, Aging, DNA methylation, DNA sequence, endocrinology, gene, Gene Association, genes, genetic, genetic association, genetic association study, genetic variants, genetic variation, Genetics, genome data, Genome-wide analysis, genome-wide association, genome-wide association analysis, genome-wide association study, Genome-wide Methylation Association Study, genome-wide variation, GWAS, GWAS meta-analysis, Telomere, telomere length 1300 Morris Park Ave Bronx New York 10461
Yang Lu 424-201-3002 Harbor UCLA Medical Center-Los Angeles Biomedical Institute health economics, health outcomes research 1124 West Carson St Torrance California 90502
Leslie Gillum University of California, San Francisco 400 Parnassus Ave., Box 0114 San Francisco California 94143-0114
Gloria Chi N/A
Michael Gorin University of Pittsburgh Department of Ophthalmology 203 Lothrop Street, 8th Floor N/A
Grace Ge University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Grethe S. Tell 47-55-973817 University of Bergen Department of Public Health and Primary Health Care Kalfarveien 31 Bergen N/A N-5018
George S. Alexopoulos 914-997-5767 Cornell University Weill-Cornell Institute of Geriatric Psychiatry 21 Bloomingdale Road White Plains New York 10605
Gina Lovasi 267.359.6280 Drexel University School of Public Health built environment and health Mailman School of Public Health 722 W 168th New York New York 10032
Gabriella Tikellis +61 3 9929 8759 University of Melbourne Department of Ophthalmology Centre for Eye Research Australia East Melbourne N/A 3002
Greg Tranah GTRANAH@PSG.UCSF.EDU 415-600-7410 California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute San Francisco Coordinating Center, UCSF-PSG 185 Berry Street, Lobby 4, Suite 5700 San Francisco California 94107-1728
Guixian Wu N/A
Dylan Gyberg Northwestern University Medical School atrial cardiomyopathy N/A
Gary Mak University of California, Irvine Irvine California 92697
Hieab Adams Erasmus MC brain N/A
Mohamad Habes +1 210-450-8416 University of Texas Health Science Center atrophy, atrophy on cerebral MRI, bioinformatics, biological aging, biomarker, biostatistics, brain imaging, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, CHARGE, Machine learning, neurodegenerative disease, neuroepidemiology, Neuroimaging 7703 Floyd Curl Drive San Antonio Texas 78229
Hagit Hochner N/A
Hooman Allayee 323-442-1736 USC Keck School of Medicine Dept. of Preventive Medicine 2250 Alcazar St., IGM 206 Los Angeles California 90033
Hans Gao University of California San Francisco cardiology N/A
Karen Hansen 206-897-1939 University of Washington (CHSCC) Whites 6200 NE 74th Street Seattle Washington 98115
Barbara Harding Cardiovascular Health Research Unit Aging, atrial fibrillation, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease epidemiology Seattle N/A
Harnish Patel Northwestern University Medical School cardiac mechanics, cardiovascular disease, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, heart failure with reduced ejection fraction Chicago Illinois 60611
Tamara Harris NIA diabetes Laboratory of Epidemiology, Demography and Biometry 7201 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda Maryland 20892
