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CHS Directory

Displaying 401 - 425 of 1215

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First Namesort descending Last Name E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Hong Shi Augusta University Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), Adipokines, adiponectin, adiposity, aneruysm, Aorta, aortic aneurysm, arterial disease, arteriosclerosis, Asian American, atherosclerosis Georgia
Hooman Kamel New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center ischemic stroke 525 East 68th St F610 New York New York 10065
Hooman Allayee 323-442-1736 USC Keck School of Medicine Dept. of Preventive Medicine 2250 Alcazar St., IGM 206 Los Angeles California 90033
Howard Fink 612-467-3304 University of Minnesota general internal medicine, osteoporosis, systematic reviews, veterans Minneapolis VA VA Medical Center 11 G Minneapolis Minnesota 55417
Hyoju Chung N/A
Hyunju Kim 206-685-7902 University of Washington DASH diet, diet, Diet; nutrition; epidemiology, dietary factors, dietary patterns, metabolomics, proteomics 3980 15th ave NE Rm 886 Seattle Washington 98105
Hyunmi Choi Columbia University epilespy 710 West 168th street 7th floor New York New York 10032
Ian de Boer 206-616-5403 University of Washington diabetes, kidney disease, vitamin D metabolism Box 359606 325 9th Ave Seattle Washington 98104
Ian Neeland 214-645-1267 University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center cardiovascular disease epidemiology, obesity 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. Mail Code 8830 Dallas Texas 75390
Ihab Hajjar Hebrew Senior Life, Harvard Medical School 1200 Centre Street Boston Massachusetts 2131
IK Test hopkins ancestry Seattle Washington 98115
Imre Janszky Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Acute myocardial infarction (AMI), Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, cardiac mortality, cardiometabolic disease, cardiovascular death, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease prediction, cardiovascular disease risk factors, cardiovascular events, cardiovascular health, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk factors, chronic disease epidemiology, CVD epidemiology and prevention, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiological studies, epidemiology N/A
Ioannis Vlachos 6176674143 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center bioinformatics, biostatistics, Machine learning, statistical modeling 330 Brookline Ave 519A, Dana Building Boston Massachusetts 02115
Ira Tager N/A
Irina Kachook 206-897-1921 University of Washington software development Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115
IrinaI Kachook University of Washington (CHSCC) 1000 genomes Washington
Isaac Whitman 267-800-5465 U AF, alcohol, arrhythmia, cardiovascular risk, cardiovascular risk prediction, ventricular arrhythmia 3401 N Broad Street Parkinson Pavilion, 9th Floor Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19140
Isha Agarwal Harvard School of Public Health N/A
Iva Miljkovic-Gacic 412-624-3997 University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology Graduate School of Public Health Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Ivana Vaughn 2128227248 New York Academy of Medicine Aged, Aged--80 and over, Aging, Chronic Disease, claims, elderly adults, Epidemiologic methods, frail elderly, frailty, gerontology, HEALTH CARE RESOURCES, health outcomes research, health services research, healthy aging 1216 5th Ave CEAR New York New York 10029
Jacob Sattelmair N/A
Jacob Elkins University of California, San Francisco cognitive decline Department of Neurology Box 0114 San Francisco California 94143
Jacob Blumenthal N/A
Jacqueline Suk Danik 617-278-0808 Harvard Medical School Brigham and Women's Hospital 900 Commonwealth Ave. Boston Massachusetts 2215
Jade Hiramoto 415-353-4366 UCSF peripheral arterial disease, Vascular Surgery UCSF Vascular Surgery 400 Parnassus Avenue A581 San Francisco California 94143
