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First Name![]() |
Last Name | Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP | |
Ava | Liberman | | Cornell University | diagnosis, stroke, stroke prediction | 420 East 70th street | Room LH-402 | New York | New York | 10021 | |
Ayman | Hussein | | University of Maryland | Cardiac arrhythmia | 9500 Euclid Ave, J2-2 | Cleveland | Ohio | 44195 | ||
Babette | Siebold Saltzman | | 206-667-7515 | Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center | PO Box 19024 (M4-C308) | Seattle | Washington | 98104-7515 | ||
Bakhtawar Khan | Mahmoodi | | University Medical Center Groningen | albuminuria, eGFR, epidemiological studies, epidemiology | N/A | |||||
Barbara | McKnight | | University of Washington | biostatistics, Epidemiologic methods | Department of Biostatistics | Box 357232 | Seattle | Washington | 98195 | |
Barbara | Harding | | Cardiovascular Health Research Unit | Aging, atrial fibrillation, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease epidemiology | Seattle | N/A | ||||
Barbara | Phillips | | University of Kentucky | Divison of Pulmonayr, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine | KY Clinic | Lexington | Kentucky | 40536 | ||
Becky | Brott | | VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System | Geriatrics | N/A | |||||
Benita | Valappil | | University of Pittsburgh | Center for Aging and Population Health | The Bellefield Professional Building | Pittsburgh | Pennsylvania | 15213 | ||
Benjamin | Lidgard | | University of Washington | cardiovascular disease (CVD), chronic kidney disease, lipids | Kidney Research Institute, University of Washington | 908 Jefferson St, 3rd floor | Seattle | Washington | 98104 | |
Beverly | Tucker | | Wake Forest University Health Sciences | Department of Epidemiology and Prevention | Division of Public Health Sciences | Winston-Salem | North Carolina | 27157 | ||
Bill | Lafferty | | 206-616-5085 | University of Washington | Department of Health Services | Box 357660 | Seattle | Washington | 98195 | |
Bing | Yu | | 7135009285 | University of Texas Health Science Center in Houston | 1000 genomes, 1000 genomes imputation, cardiometabolic risk, cardiovascular disease (CVD), Cardiovascular Genetics, heart failure, whole gene sequencing (WGS) | 1200 Pressler St. Suite E-407 | Houston | Texas | 77030 | |
Bingbing | Fan | | 504-265-7498 | Tufts University | : Cancer incidence, adiposity, ASCVD, AsCVD Risk, cancer, cancer progression, cardiac structure and function, cardiometabolic disease, cardiometabolic risk, cardiometabolic risk factors, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease prediction, cardiovascular disease risk factors, carotid intima media thickness, carotid intima media thickness; prevention; diversity; risk factor;, carotid intima-media thickness, Chronic Disease, chronic disease epidemiology, Clinical and Subclinical CVD, cognitive function, cohort, Cohort study, CVD, CVD epidemiology and prevention, CVD incidence, CVD risk factors, Diabetes Mellitus, diabetes risk prediction, Epidemiologic methods, fasting glucose, fasting insulin, HDL-C, hypertension, incident cardiovascular disease, incident CVD, ischemic stroke, LDL, Lifecourse, Longitudinal Analysis, longitudinal data, longitudinal methods, longitudinal models, longitudinal observational data, longitudinal study, obesity, regression, risk assessment, risk factors, Study Design, Subclinical CVD, survival analysis, survival models, time-to-event regression, time-varying covariates | 150 Harrison Avenue , Boston, MA 02111 | Boston | Massachusetts | 02111 | |
Biraj | Karmacharya | | 2068613940 | University of Washington | Public Health | 4747 30th Ave NE, Apt#167 | Seattle | Washington | 98105 | |
Bjorn Olav | Asvold | | +47 92466240 | Norwegian University of Science and Technology | subclinical hypothyroidism | Postboks 8905 | Trondheim | N/A | N-7491 | |
Bob | Siegerink | | LUMC Leiden the Netherlands | cardiovascular medication, neurovascular medicine | N/A | |||||
Boback | Ziaeian | | 310-876-2602 | UCLA Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research | cardiovascular, cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular risk, disparities | N/A | ||||
Bonnie | Lind | | 208-426-5475 | Idaho Nursing Workforce Center | 1910 University Dr. | Boise | Idaho | 83725-1840 | ||
Bonnie | Patchen | | Cornell University | ..... | Savage Hall | Cornell University | Ithaca | New York | 14850 | |
Brad | Hammill | | Duke University | PO Box 17969 | Durham | North Carolina | 27715 | |||
Brajesh | Lal | | University of Maryland | 6-minute walk test, abnormal white matter disease, ADL, Aging, arterial plaque, asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis, attention, B-MODE ULTRASOUND, biomarker, brain image, brain imaging of small-vessel disease, Brain infarcts, Brain MRI abnormalities, cardiovascular risk factors, carotid artery stenosis, carotid atherosclerosis, carotid endarterectomy, carotid plaque, carotid ultrasound, Cerebral blood flow, cognition function, Exercise capacity, functional assessment, gait speed, geriatric impairment, grip strength, ICAM, ICAM-1 ( Intracellular adhesion molecule-1), IL-6, Imaging, inflammation and C-reactive protein (CRP), insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1), Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), mobility impairment, NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS, physical functioning, timed walk, vascular dementia, walking speed | 22 South Greene Street | S10, B00 | Baltimore | Maryland | ||
Brandalyn | Riedel | | University of Southern California | ADNI, aging Alzheimers' diseas ApoE myocardial infarction (MI) diabetes frailty, Aging, Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, gene-based analysis, susceptibility genes | 1985 Zonal Avenue | Los Angeles | California | 90089 | ||
Brandon | Pierce | | University of Washington | School of Public Health and Community Medicine | Institute for Public Health Genetics | Seattle | Washington | 98195 | ||
Brandon | Bellows | | Columbia University | blood pressure, blood pressure control, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology, cardiovascular disease prediction, cardiovascular disease risk factors, costs, costs of care | 622 W 168th Street, PH9-105 | New York | New York | 10032 |