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CHS Directory

Displaying 1126 - 1150 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mail Telephone Institutionsort descending Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Jennifer Lee 650-493-5000 Stanford University Medical Center endocrinology, gerontology, Internal Medicine, metabolism and VA Palo Alto Health Care System 300 Pasteur Drive, Room S025 Stanford California 94305-5103
Jennifer Wessel 317-278-3070 Indiana University diabetes, Genetics Indianapolis Indiana 46202
Nancy Huynh (404)938-2571 Kaiser Permanente Georgia diabetic retinopathy, ophthalmology 3650 Steve Reynolds Blvd Duluth Georgia 30096
Bob Siegerink LUMC Leiden the Netherlands cardiovascular medication, neurovascular medicine N/A
Loni Tabb Drexel University School of Public Health biostatistics, cardiovascular health, disease mapping, spatial, spatial epidemiology, spatial mapping, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistical testing, statistics N/A
Jody Bayer 267-359-6293 Drexel University School of Public Health health care 3600 Market Street 7th Floor Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Ana Diez-Roux 267 359-6070 Drexel University School of Public Health Nesbitt Hall 3215 Market St Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Yvonne Michael Drexel University School of Public Health epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, mobility, spatial epidemiology 3215 Market Street, Nesbitt Hall Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Gina Lovasi 267.359.6280 Drexel University School of Public Health built environment and health Mailman School of Public Health 722 W 168th New York New York 10032
Jonathan Platt Drexel University School of Public Health depression, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiology, gender, health equity, imputation, race, social determinants of health, SOCIAL SUPPORT 3600 Market st 7th floor Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19104
Jeff Yanosky 717-531-5841 Penn State College of Medicine Air pollution exposure assesement 90 Hope Drive, Suite A210 Hershey Pennsylvania 17033
David Siscovick 212-822-7263 New York Academy of Medicine Geriatrics 1216 5th Avenue New York New York 10029
Ivana Vaughn 2128227248 New York Academy of Medicine Aged, Aged--80 and over, Aging, Chronic Disease, claims, elderly adults, Epidemiologic methods, frail elderly, frailty, gerontology, HEALTH CARE RESOURCES, health outcomes research, health services research, healthy aging 1216 5th Ave CEAR New York New York 10029
Robin Puett 301-405-5610 University of Maryland College Park Environmental epidemiology, spatial epidemiology, chronic disease epidemiology MIAEH SPH Building College Park Maryland 20742
Nicole L. Glazer Merck genetic factors N/A
Deepak Gupta 6159362530 Vanderbilt University Medical Center cardiac imaging, cardiometabolic risk, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction 2525 West End Ave, Suite 300 Nashville Tennessee 37203
Devika Nair Vanderbilt University Medical Center Accelerated aging, Activities of Daily Living (ADL), Aging, chronic kidney disease, cogintive function, cognition, cognition function, cognition psychiatry, cognition study, cognitive aging, Cognitive Change, cognitive decline, Cognitive Domains, cognitive function, cognitive functioning, cognitive functioning; depression; dyadic analysis, Cognitive Impairment, cognitive reserve; alzheimers disease; cognitive decline, cognitive trajectories, cohort, Cohort study, coping, elderly, elderly adults, end of life, end-of-life disability, Exercise capacity, exercise in elderly, frail elderly, frailty, functional assessment, functional decline, functional dependence, functional limitations, functional status, gait, gait speed, gait variability, Geriatric conditions, geriatric impairment, Geriatric medicine, geriatric medicine and assessment, geriatric syndrome, Geriatrics, Geriatrics Working Group, health behaviors, health outcomes, health outcomes research, health risk behaviors, health services research, health-risk behavior, psychology, Psychosocial, psychosocial behavior, psychosocial factors N/A
Evan Brittain 615 322-4382 Vanderbilt University Medical Center pulmonary hypertension 2525 West End Avenue Suite 300A Nashville Tennessee 37203
Cassianne Robinson-Cohen 2068583472 Vanderbilt University Medical Center 25 dihydroxy vitamin D (24), 25-hydroxyvitamin D, Acute Kidney Injury, clinical epidemiology, coronary heart disease (CHD), FGF-23, genetic epidemiology, mineral metabolism, Nephrology, Parathyroid hormone S3223 Medical Center North 1161 21st Ave. South Nashville Tennessee 37232
Temidayo Abe 770-906-1654 Vanderbilt University Medical Center Cardiac Amyloidosis, cardiomyopathy, cardiovascular death Nashville Tennessee 37218
Priya Bhatt 323-442-7246 University of Southern California Genetics, Neuroimaging 2001 N Soto Street SSB1-102 Los Angeles California 90032
Parveen Garg University of Southern California peripheral arterial disease N/A
Meredith Braskie 323-442-7246 University of Southern California MRI imaging, normal aging 4676 Admiralty Way, 4th floor Imaging Genetics Center Marina del Rey California 90292
Brandalyn Riedel University of Southern California ADNI, aging Alzheimers' diseas ApoE myocardial infarction (MI) diabetes frailty, Aging, Alzheimer’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease risk factors, gene-based analysis, susceptibility genes 1985 Zonal Avenue Los Angeles California 90089
Yang Lu 424-201-3002 Harbor UCLA Medical Center-Los Angeles Biomedical Institute health economics, health outcomes research 1124 West Carson St Torrance California 90502
