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CHS Directory

Displaying 126 - 150 of 1215

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First Name Last Name E-mailsort ascending Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
Agarwal Sunil U 255 South Ellwood Avenue MD N/A USA
Mark Sullivan N/A
Sarah Stahl University of Pittsburgh mood N/A
Elsa S. Strotmeyer 412-383-1293 University of Pittsburgh Aging, diabetes Department of Epidemiology 130 N. Bellefield Ave., Rm 515 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Suzy Torti Wake Forest University School of Medicine N/A
Stephen Thielke 206 764-2915 University of Washington Longitudinal Analysis, Mental health Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Seattle Washington 98195
Sharene R. Theroux University of California, Davis General Medicine Investigative Clinic Division of General Medicine Sacramento California 95817
Steven Levine 718 270 3188 U Anticardiolipin antibodies, atherothrombotic stroke, brain infarct, Brain infarcts, brain vascular disease, CEREBRAL INFARCTIONS, Cerebrovascular disease (CBD), Cerebrovascular disorders, Cerebrovascular risk factors, covert brain infarcts, disparities, Ethnic Differences, fatigue, hemorrhagic stroke, infarcts, ischemic stroke, lacunar infarct, longitudinal, longitudinal change, longitudinal data, longitudinal studies, MRI infarct, MRI-defined infarcts, Neurology WG, psychosocial factors, Psychosocial risk factors, psychosocial trajectories, risk prediction, risk predictors, risk stratification, stroke, stroke prediction, stroke risk model, thrombosis, tissue plasminogen activator, tPA (tissue plasminogen activator), transient ischemic attack, transient neurological events Department of Neurology MSC 1213 Brooklyn New York 11203
Steven Driver 6304185878 Northwestern University health, health behaviors, health care costs, health care spending, health care utilization, health promotion, health risk behaviors, health-risk behavior, healthcare cost, healthy life, Healthy Worker Effect (HWE) 680 North Lake Shore Drive Suite 1400 Chicago Illinois 60611
Samuel Terman University of Michigan cognition, Epilepsy, Neurology WG N/A
Stephen Dvorak 312-695-4481 Northwestern University heart failure 645 N. Michigan Ave Suite 1040 Chicago Illinois 60611
Lyn M. Steffen 612-625-9307 University of Minnesota School of Public Health Division of Epidemiology and Community Health Minneapolis Minnesota 55454
David C. Steffens Duke University Medical Center Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Box 3903 Durham North Carolina 27710
Stephen Seliger 410-605-7000 x5231 University of Maryland School of Medicine biomarkers, Nephrology Division of Nephrology Baltimore VA Medical Ctr. Room 5D-151 Baltimore Maryland 21201
Stephen Schwartz Fred Hutch Cancer Research Center PO Box 19024 (M4-C308) Seattle Washington 98104-7515
Shohinee Sarma 617-667-9344 Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Diabetes Mellitus, obesity treatment 330 Brookline Ave Boston Massachusetts 02215
Pothur Srinivas NHLBI Adipokines, Antioxidants, arteriosclerosis, ASCVD, biomarkers, cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular disease epidemiology N/A
Stuart F. Quan 520-626-6115 University of Arizona College of Medicine Arizona Respiratory Center Tucson Arizona 85724
Sheila Pratt 412-383-6537 University of Pittsburgh age-related changes, Hearing Loss Department of Communication Science and Disorders Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15260
Briana N. Sprague University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health cognition, cognitive aging, longitudinal change, longitudinal methods, Physical function N/A
Sheena Patel California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute Pooled Epidemiological studies N/A
Sophia Zhou N/A
Cynthia Marks University of Washington Collaborative Health Studies Coordinating Center, Campus Box 354922 Building 29, Suite 210 Seattle Washington 98115-8160
Tamar Sofer Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School Genetics, omics, sleep, statistics N/A
Luisa Soares-Miranda +351962591421 University of Porto physical activity Research Center in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure Faculty of Sport, University of Porto Rua Dr Placido Costa 91 Porto, 4200-450 N/A
