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CHS Directory

Displaying 426 - 450 of 1201

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First Namesort descending Last Name E-mail Telephone Institution Area of Expertise Address 1 Address 2 City State ZIP
James Jollis Duke University DUMC 3967 Durham North Carolina 27701
James LeCheminant 801-422-1285 Brigham Young University anthropometry, BMI, BODY COMPOSITION, BODY FAT, body mass index, diet, Diet; nutrition; epidemiology, dietary assessment, exercise, exercise intensity, food, health-risk behavior, lifestyle, lifestyle factors, lifestyle modification, nutrition, obesity, obesity treatment, physical activity, physical fitness, risk factor, risk factors S221 Eyring Science Center Brigham Young University Provo Utah 84602
James Burke University of Michigan health disparities, Health Services, ischemic stroke N/A
James T. Becker University of Pittsburgh brain MRI, MRI Departments of Psychiatry, Neurology and Psychology Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Jamila Bookwala 610-330-5285 Lafayette College gerontology Psychology Department Easton Pennsylvania 18042
Jan Hughes-Austin University of California, San Diego ABI, Autoimmunity, Bone Mineral Density, epidemiology, Rheumatoid Arthritis 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0863 La Jolla California 92093
Jan Kirk Carney 802-847-8268 University of Vermont Department of Medicine 371 Pearl Street Colchester Vermont 5446
Jane Saczynski National Institute on Aging neurology 7201 Wisconsin Avenue Bethesda Maryland 20814
Jane Cauley University of Pittsburgh bone School of Public Health 130 DeSoto Street, A510 Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15261
Jane Cauley 412 624 0218 University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health functional limitations, functional status, hip fracture, Hip fracture prediction, hip fractures, hip fractures, Hip geometry, hormone replacement therapy, Hormone therapy, horomone replacement, inflammation, inflammation and C-reactive protein (CRP), inflammatory marker, inflammatory markers, Inflammatory mediators, inflammatory risk factors, observational studies, osteopenia, Osteoperosis, osteoporosis, osteoporosis phenotypes 130 DeSoto St A 510 Crabtree Hall Pennsylvania 15261
Janet Fair University of Pittsburgh Department of Epidemiology 130 N. Bellefield Avenue, 4th Floor Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Jared Reis NHLBI 25(OH)D, Epidemiologic methods N/A
Jason Linefsky University of Washington Seattle Washington
Jason Sanders 5088014771 Harvard University Aging, biological aging, biomarker, biomarkers, Critical Care, critical illness, Epidemiology of Aging, Pulmonary, pulmonary artery pressure, PULMONARY DISEASE, pulmonary embolism, pulmonary embolus, pulmonary function, pulmonary function test, pulmonary hypertension, resilience Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine 75 Francis St Boston Massachusetts 02115
Jason Wu The University of Sydney nutrition, biomarkers Sydney
Jason Wong 6174077650 National Cancer Institute (NCI) biological aging, biomarkers, cancer and ID molecular epidemiology, Environmental epidemiology, Epidemiologic methods, epidemiology, Epidemiology of Aging, telomere length, Women's Health 9601 Medical Center Dr Rockville Maryland 20850
Jason Roberts 415-476-5706 University of California - San Francisco atrial fibrillation, genetic factors Division of Cardiology 500 Parnassus Avenue, MU East, Rm 434 San Francisco California 94143
Jason Flatt 412-216-5865 University of Pittsburgh cognitive aging, health behaviors, social networks 130 N Bellefield Ave Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15213
Jay Patel 8153414456 Northwestern University autonomic dysfunction, autonomic function, heart failure, heart rate variability 680 N. Lake Shore Drive Suite 1400 Chicago Illinois 60611
Jeanette Cheng Northwestern University heart failure with preserved ejection fraction N/A
Jeannette Beasley Albert Einstein College of Medicine 1300 Morris Park Ave Bronx New York 10461
Jeannie-Marie Sheppard Johns Hopkins University Schools of Medicine and Public Health Department of Mental Health, Division of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurpsychiatry Baltimore Maryland 21287
Jeff Yanosky 717-531-5841 Penn State College of Medicine Air pollution exposure assesement 90 Hope Drive, Suite A210 Hershey Pennsylvania 17033
Jeffrey Pearce Wake Forest University School of Medicine Section on Vascular Surgery, Division of Surgical Sciences PO Box 2316 Winston-Salem North Carolina 27127-2316
Jehu Mathew 206-685-1397 University of Washington atrial fibrillation 1959 NE Pacific Street Box 356422 Seattle Washington 98195
