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Telephone | Institution | Area of Expertise | Address 1 | Address 2 | City | State | ZIP |
Vincent | Fan | | University of Washington | Health Services, COPD, lung disease, Critical Care, Pulmonary | VA Puget Sound Health Care System | 1100 Olive Way | Seattle | Washington | 98101 | |
Vickie | Stover Hertzberg | | 404-727-1881 | Emory University | Department of Biostatistics | 1518 Clifton Rd. | Atlanta | Georgia | 30322 | |
Victoria | Lamberson | | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | Analysis, biostatistics, Genetics, genome data, genome wide association study, heart failure, network analysis, proteomics, survival analysis | 5939 Harry Hines Blvd | Dallas | Texas | 75235 | ||
Viola | Vaccarino | | 404-727-5472 | Emory University | N/A | |||||
Vishesh | Kapur | | University of Washington | Harborview Medical Center | 3WH-107 | Seattle | Washington | 98104 | ||
Venkatesh | Murthy | | 734-936-5387 | University of Michigan | coronary artery calcium, coronary heart disease (CHD), Coronary Heart Disease Risk, metabolic disorders, metabolic syndrome, metabolic traits, metabolism, metabolomics, Young adults | 1500 E. Medical Center Dr | Ann Arbor | Michigan | 48109 | |
Vandana | Menon | | Tufts Medical Center | 800 Washington St. #391 | Boston | Massachusetts | 2111 | |||
Verna | Tysor | | Wake Forest University Health Sciences | Department of Epidemiology and Prevention | Division of Public Health Sciences | Winston-Salem | North Carolina | 27157 | ||
Vidhushei | Yogeswaran | | University of Washington | cardiac biomarkers, cardiac imaging | N/A | |||||
Willem J. | Kop | | 410-328-2063 | Tilburg University | P.O.Box 90153 | 5000 LE Tilburg | N/A | |||
Wendy | den Elzen | | + 31 71 526 8444 | Leiden University Medical Center | Thyroid function, Anemia, COMMUNITY-DWELLING ELDERLY | Post zone V-0-P | P.O. Box 9600 | Leiden | N/A | 2300 RC |
Wally | Omar | | University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | CAD, cardiac biomarkers, Cardiac troponin T, cardiovascular disease (CVD) | N/A | |||||
Zheyu | Wang | | Johns Hopkins University | biostatistics | N/A | |||||
WAQAS | QURESHI | | 5165122605 | Wake Forest University Health Sciences | diabetes, heart failure, metabolism, obesity | 520 Ridgehaven Cir | Winston Salem | Michigan | 27104 | |
Keattiyoat | Wattanakit | | Epidemiology & Community Health | Suite 300 | 1300 S. 2nd Street | Minneapolis | Minnesota | 55455 | ||
Weiying | Dai | | 607-777-4859 | CHS research | Alzheimer's disease, brain, brain image, brain MRI, Brain MRI abnormalities, Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), MRI imaging, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics | Binghamton | New York | 1390 | ||
Wen-Hsin | Hu | | Brigham & Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School | apnea, Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI), cardiovascular disease (CVD), cardiovascular risk, sleep apnea | N/A | |||||
Wenjie | Ma | | 6178938614 | Harvard School of Public Health | 2 Peabody Terrace, Apt 1002 | Cambridge | Massachusetts | 02138 | ||
Jennifer | Wessel | | 317-278-3070 | Indiana University | diabetes, Genetics | Indianapolis | Indiana | 46202 | ||
Loran | Salamone | | N/A | |||||||
Linda | Kao | | Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health | 615 N. Wolfe St. | Baltimore | Maryland | 21205 | |||
Will | Longstreth | | 206-744-3251 | University of Washington | Cerebrovascular disease (CBD) | Harborview Medical Center | Box 359775 | Seattle | Washington | 98104 |
Wesley | DeHaven | | University of Pittsburgh | air pollution health effects | Pennsylvania | |||||
Michael | Wolz | | 301-435-1295 | NHLBI | Alzheimer's dementia, biostatistics, cardiovascular risk score, diastolic blood pressure, Framingham risk scale, hypertension, hypertension treatment, Latent Class Analysis, latent variable models, linear regression, lipid levels, marital status, markers, markov, Markov process, Measurement, Measurement error, mini-mental score, Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE), misclassification, mismeasured variables, missing covariates, missing data, Public Health, public health impact, pulmonary function, pulmonary function test, Risk, risk assessment, risk factor, risk factors, Risk model, risk prediction, risk predictors, risk score, risk score analysis, risk stratification, RR interval, software development, Statistical disclosure limitation, Statistical methods, statistical modeling, statistics, systolic blood pressure | 6701 Rockledge Drive #10018 | Bethesda | Maryland | 20892 | |
Wendy | Post | | Johns Hopkins University | Division of Cardiology | Blalock 910 | Baltimore | Maryland | 21212 |