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Respiratory muscle strength in the elderly. Correlates and reference values. Cardiovascular Health Study Research Group.

TitleRespiratory muscle strength in the elderly. Correlates and reference values. Cardiovascular Health Study Research Group.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1994
AuthorsEnright, PL, Kronmal, RA, Manolio, TA, Schenker, MB, Hyatt, RE
JournalAm J Respir Crit Care Med
Issue2 Pt 1
Date Published1994 Feb
KeywordsAged, Aged, 80 and over, Aging, Body Constitution, Cardiovascular Diseases, Female, Humans, Male, Prospective Studies, Reference Values, Respiratory Function Tests, Respiratory Muscles, Risk Factors, Sex Characteristics, Smoking
Abstract<p>Maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP) was assessed in 4,443 ambulatory participants of the Cardiovascular Health Study, 65 yr of age and older, sampled from four communities. Maximal expiratory pressure (MEP) was also measured in 790 participants from a single clinic. Positive predictors of MIP included male sex, FVC, handgrip strength, and higher levels of lean body mass (or low bioelectric resistance). Negative predictors were age, current smoking, self-reported fair to poor general health, and waist size. Both participant and technician learning effects were noted, but there was no independent effect of race, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, or diabetes. A healthy subgroup was identified by excluding current smokers, those with fair to poor general health, or an FEV1 less than 65% of predicted. Mean values determined from the healthy group were 57/116 cm H2O (MIP/MEP) for women, and 83/174 for men. Lower limits of the normal range (fifth percentiles) were 45 to 60% of the mean predicted values. The reference equations derived from this group of healthy 65 to 85-yr-olds may be used by pulmonary function laboratories and respiratory therapists who evaluate the respiratory muscle strength of elderly patients.</p>
Alternate JournalAm. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.
PubMed ID8306041
Grant ListN01-87079 / / PHS HHS / United States
N01-87080 / / PHS HHS / United States
N01-87081 / / PHS HHS / United States