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Bootstrap-based inference on the difference in the means of two correlated functional processes.

TitleBootstrap-based inference on the difference in the means of two correlated functional processes.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2012
AuthorsCrainiceanu, CM, Staicu, A-M, Ray, S, Punjabi, N
JournalStat Med
Date Published2012 Nov 20
KeywordsBiostatistics, Cohort Studies, Confidence Intervals, Humans, Models, Statistical, Sleep Apnea Syndromes, Statistics, Nonparametric
Abstract<p>We propose nonparametric inference methods on the mean difference between two correlated functional processes. We compare methods that (1) incorporate different levels of smoothing of the mean and covariance; (2) preserve the sampling design; and (3) use parametric and nonparametric estimation of the mean functions. We apply our method to estimating the mean difference between average normalized δ power of sleep electroencephalograms for 51 subjects with severe sleep apnea and 51 matched controls in the first 4  h after sleep onset. We obtain data from the Sleep Heart Health Study, the largest community cohort study of sleep. Although methods are applied to a single case study, they can be applied to a large number of studies that have correlated functional data.</p>
Alternate JournalStat Med
PubMed ID22855258
PubMed Central IDPMC3966027
Grant ListR01 NS060910 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States
R01NS060910 / NS / NINDS NIH HHS / United States