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Time to diagnosis: accounting for differential follow-up times in cohort studies.

TitleTime to diagnosis: accounting for differential follow-up times in cohort studies.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2015
AuthorsBůzková, P
Secondary AuthorsLumley, T
JournalCommunications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation
Start Page247
Date Published2015
Keywords62N01, Covariate-dependent follow-up, Discrete survival data, Multi-cohort studies, Primary 62N02, Secondary 62H12
AbstractCox regression is widely used to analyze discrete survival time data. Differential endpoint follow-up across sub-cohorts where distribution of a covariate varies may cause typical estimators to be biased or inefficient. We demonstrate that with Cardiovascular Health Study data for incident type 2 diabetes. Two cohorts with extremely different race distribution have differential follow-up for fasting glucose levels. We study various scenarios of Cox regression. We suggest an alternative approach, Poisson generalized estimating equations with an offset to accommodate the differential follow-up. We use simulations to contrast the methods.
Alternate JournalCommunications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation
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