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Modifying Proposals and Penultimate Draft Manuscripts


Formal modifications:

A modified proposal must be reviewed and approved by the P&P Committee if you plan to add additional outcomes, change the main exposure or make other substantial changes that would have the potential to overlap with other ongoing or proposed work in CHS.

"Split-off analyses:"
If the analyses were already approved in a "parent" paper that resulted in excessive data for one manuscript alone, please complete and submit a paper proposal for review for each additional paper along with a brief rationale for the split. The revised parent paper should also be submitted for notification only.

Informal modifications:

Formal review of submitted modifications is not required if you wish to add covariates, or slightly modify the analytic approach, as long as the addition will not create overlap with another proposal or manuscript. To request additional variables, please visit the Forms & Agreements page to obtain a Data Request Form. Note: CHS encourages collaboration with the PI of the collecting ancillary study when requesting use of a variable collected externally. For the list of available ancillary study variables and collecting PIs, please see the Ancillary Study Data & Documentation page.

Such modifications may also be briefly summarized and communicated to the Committee in future submissions/notifications.


Notification of Manuscript Status:

Please update your online record whenever the status of your manuscript changes (for example, if submitted to journal). The Coordinating Center will update the official status of the record accordingly.

Modifications based on journal reviewer feedback:

It is expected that manuscripts may be revised based on feedback from journal reviews; unless such modifications will significantly impact the previously approved analyses,or cause the paper to potentially overlap with another CHS paper, no further CHS or NHLBI review is necessary.  However, CHS does appreciate notification of such changes to the CHS Publications Committee via your online record, including an uploaded copyof the revised manuscript.


How to submit a modification or notification:

1. After obtaining coauthor approval of the proposed modification, locate the relevant record in your MyCHS account

2. Click on "Edit" at the top of the record and make the necessary changes.

3. At the top of the relevant tab, add a brief cover note summarizing the revision and its rationale.

4. Click on "Save" at bottom of the record.

6. If the modification requires review or notification, the P&P Coordinator will confirm placement on the next P&P Committee agenda.