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Mukamal KJ, Chung H, Jenny NS, Kuller LH, Longstreth WT, Mittleman MA, Burke GL, Cushman M, Psaty BM, Siscovick DS. Alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2006 ;54(1):30-7.
Cao JJ, Barzilay JI, Peterson D, Manolio TA, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Wexler J, Bleyer AJ, Cushman M. The association of microalbuminuria with clinical cardiovascular disease and subclinical atherosclerosis in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis. 2006 ;187(2):372-7.
Lange LA, Carlson CS, Hindorff LA, Lange EM, Walston J, J Durda P, Cushman M, Bis JC, Zeng D, Lin D, et al. Association of polymorphisms in the CRP gene with circulating C-reactive protein levels and cardiovascular events. JAMA. 2006 ;296(22):2703-11.
El-Saed A, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Lopez O, Costantino J, McTigue K, Cushman M, Kronmal R. Factors associated with geographic variations in stroke incidence among older populations in four US communities. Stroke. 2006 ;37(8):1980-5.
El-Saed A, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Lopez O, Costantino J, McTigue K, Cushman M, Kronmal R. Geographic variations in stroke incidence and mortality among older populations in four US communities. Stroke. 2006 ;37(8):1975-9.
O'Hare AM, Katz R, Shlipak MG, Cushman M, Newman AB. Mortality and cardiovascular risk across the ankle-arm index spectrum: results from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2006 ;113(3):388-93.
Wong TYin, Kamineni A, Klein R, A Sharrett R, Klein BE, Siscovick DS, Cushman M, Duncan BB. Quantitative retinal venular caliber and risk of cardiovascular disease in older persons: the cardiovascular health study. Arch Intern Med. 2006 ;166(21):2388-94.
Rasmussen-Torvik LJ, Cushman M, Tsai MY, Zhang Y, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Folsom AR. The association of alpha-fibrinogen Thr312Ala polymorphism and venous thromboembolism in the LITE study. Thromb Res. 2007 ;121(1):1-7.
Cao JJ, Arnold AM, Manolio TA, Polak JF, Psaty BM, Hirsch CH, Kuller LH, Cushman M. Association of carotid artery intima-media thickness, plaques, and C-reactive protein with future cardiovascular disease and all-cause mortality: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2007 ;116(1):32-8.
Novaro GM, Katz R, Aviles RJ, Gottdiener JS, Cushman M, Psaty BM, Otto CM, Griffin BP. Clinical factors, but not C-reactive protein, predict progression of calcific aortic-valve disease: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2007 ;50(20):1992-8.
Folsom AR, Boland LL, Cushman M, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Walston JD. Frailty and risk of venous thromboembolism in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2007 ;62(1):79-82.
Walston JD, M Fallin D, Cushman M, Lange L, Psaty B, Jenny N, Browner W, Tracy R, Durda P, Reiner A. IL-6 gene variation is associated with IL-6 and C-reactive protein levels but not cardiovascular outcomes in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Hum Genet. 2007 ;122(5):485-94.
Sturgeon JD, Folsom AR, Longstreth WT, Shahar E, Rosamond WD, Cushman M. Risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in a pooled prospective study. Stroke. 2007 ;38(10):2718-25.
Mukamal KJ, Kennedy M, Cushman M, Kuller LH, Newman AB, Polak J, Criqui MH, Siscovick DS. Alcohol consumption and lower extremity arterial disease among older adults: the cardiovascular health study. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 ;167(1):34-41.
Inzitari M, Studenski S, Rosano C, Zakai NA, Longstreth WT, Cushman M, Newman AB. Anemia is associated with the progression of white matter disease in older adults with high blood pressure: the cardiovascular health study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 ;56(10):1867-72.
Carty CL, Cushman M, Jones D, Lange LA, Hindorff LA, Rice K, Jenny NS, J Durda P, Walston J, Carlson CS, et al. Associations between common fibrinogen gene polymorphisms and cardiovascular disease in older adults. The Cardiovascular Health Study. Thromb Haemost. 2008 ;99(2):388-95.
Cao JJ, Biggs ML, Barzilay J, Konen J, Psaty BM, Kuller L, Bleyer AJ, Olson J, Wexler J, Summerson J, et al. Cardiovascular and mortality risk prediction and stratification using urinary albumin excretion in older adults ages 68-102: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis. 2008 ;197(2):806-13.
Wattanakit K, Cushman M, Stehman-Breen C, Heckbert SR, Folsom AR. Chronic kidney disease increases risk for venous thromboembolism. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2008 ;19(1):135-40.
Furberg CD, Nelson JJ, Solomon C, Cushman M, Jenny NSwords, Psaty BM. Distribution and correlates of lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2 in an elderly cohort: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2008 ;56(5):792-9.
Sturgeon JD, Folsom AR, Longstreth WT, Shahar E, Rosamond WD, Cushman M. Hemostatic and inflammatory risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage in a pooled cohort. Stroke. 2008 ;39(8):2268-73.
Chamberlain AM, Folsom AR, Heckbert SR, Rosamond WD, Cushman M. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and venous thromboembolism in the Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology (LITE). Blood. 2008 ;112(7):2675-80.
Jiang R, Burke GL, Enright PL, Newman AB, Margolis HG, Cushman M, Tracy RP, Wang Y, Kronmal RA, R Barr G. Inflammatory markers and longitudinal lung function decline in the elderly. Am J Epidemiol. 2008 ;168(6):602-10.
