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Sinha A, Sitlani CM, Doyle MF, Fohner AE, Bůzková P, Floyd JS, Huber SA, Olson NC, Njoroge JN, Kizer JR, et al. Association of immune cell subsets with incident heart failure in two population-based cohorts. ESC Heart Fail. 2022 .
Fohner AE, Bartz TM, Tracy RP, Adams HHH, Bis JC, Djoussé L, Satizabal CL, Lopez OL, Seshadri S, Mukamal KJ, et al. Association of Serum Neurofilament Light Chain Concentration and MRI Findings in Older Adults: The Cardiovascular Health Study. Neurology. 2022 ;98(9):e903-e911.
Lahti J, Tuominen S, Yang Q, Pergola G, Ahmad S, Amin N, Armstrong NJ, Beiser A, Bey K, Bis JC, et al. Genome-wide meta-analyses reveal novel loci for verbal short-term memory and learning. Mol Psychiatry. 2022 .
Feinstein MJ, Bůzková P, Olson NC, Doyle MF, Sitlani CM, Fohner AE, Huber SA, Floyd J, Sinha A, Thorp EB, et al. Monocyte subsets, T cell activation profiles, and stroke in men and women: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Health Study. Atherosclerosis. 2022 ;351:18-25.
Austin TR, McHugh CP, Brody JA, Bis JC, Sitlani CM, Bartz TM, Biggs ML, Bansal N, Bůzková P, Carr SA, et al. Proteomics and Population Biology in the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS): design of a study with mentored access and active data sharing. Eur J Epidemiol. 2022 .