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Wassel CL, Lange LA, Keating BJ, Taylor KC, Johnson AD, Palmer C, Ho LA, Smith NL, Lange EM, Li Y, et al. Association of genomic loci from a cardiovascular gene SNP array with fibrinogen levels in European Americans and African-Americans from six cohort studies: the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe). Blood. 2011 ;117(1):268-75.
Thacker EL, Psaty BM, McKnight B, Heckbert SR, Longstreth WT, Mukamal KJ, Meigs JB, de Boer IH, Boyko EJ, Carnethon MR, et al. Fasting and post-glucose load measures of insulin resistance and risk of ischemic stroke in older adults. Stroke. 2011 ;42(12):3347-51.
Taylor KC, Lange LA, Zabaneh D, Lange E, Keating BJ, Tang W, Smith NL, Delaney JA, Kumari M, Hingorani A, et al. A gene-centric association scan for Coagulation Factor VII levels in European and African Americans: the Candidate Gene Association Resource (CARe) Consortium. Hum Mol Genet. 2011 ;20(17):3525-34.
Smith NL, Huffman JE, Strachan DP, Huang J, Dehghan A, Trompet S, Lopez LM, Shin S-Y, Baumert J, Vitart V, et al. Genetic predictors of fibrin D-dimer levels in healthy adults. Circulation. 2011 ;123(17):1864-72.
Fornage M, Debette S, Bis JC, Schmidt H, Ikram AM, Dufouil C, Sigurdsson S, Lumley T, DeStefano AL, Fazekas F, et al. Genome-wide association studies of cerebral white matter lesion burden: the CHARGE consortium. Ann Neurol. 2011 ;69(6):928-39.
Weng L-C, Tang W, Rich SS, Smith NL, Redline S, O'Donnell CJ, Basu S, Reiner AP, Delaney JA, Tracy RP, et al. A genetic association study of D-dimer levels with 50K SNPs from a candidate gene chip in four ethnic groups. Thromb Res. 2014 ;134(2):462-7.
Huang J, Huffman JE, Yamakuchi M, Yamkauchi M, Trompet S, Asselbergs FW, Sabater-Lleal M, Trégouët D-A, Chen W-M, Smith NL, et al. Genome-wide association study for circulating tissue plasminogen activator levels and functional follow-up implicates endothelial STXBP5 and STX2. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2014 ;34(5):1093-101.
Sinner MF, Tucker NR, Lunetta KL, Ozaki K, J Smith G, Trompet S, Bis JC, Lin H, Chung MK, Nielsen JB, et al. Integrating genetic, transcriptional, and functional analyses to identify 5 novel genes for atrial fibrillation. Circulation. 2014 ;130(15):1225-35.
Shores MM, Arnold AM, Biggs ML, Longstreth WT, Smith NL, Kizer JR, Cappola AR, Hirsch CH, Marck BT, Matsumoto AM. Testosterone and dihydrotestosterone and incident ischaemic stroke in men in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2014 ;81(5):746-53.
Shores MM, Biggs ML, Arnold AM, Smith NL, Longstreth WT, Kizer JR, Hirsch CH, Cappola AR, Matsumoto AM. Testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and incident cardiovascular disease and mortality in the cardiovascular health study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 ;99(6):2061-8.
