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Filters: Author is Felix, Janine F and Keyword is Humans  [Clear All Filters]
Smith NL, Felix JF, Morrison AC, Demissie S, Glazer NL, Loehr LR, Cupples AL, Dehghan A, Lumley T, Rosamond WD, et al. Association of genome-wide variation with the risk of incident heart failure in adults of European and African ancestry: a prospective meta-analysis from the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 ;3(3):256-66.
Kestenbaum B, Glazer NL, Köttgen A, Felix JF, Hwang S-J, Liu Y, Lohman K, Kritchevsky SB, Hausman DB, Petersen A-K, et al. Common genetic variants associate with serum phosphorus concentration. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2010 ;21(7):1223-32.
Meyer TE, Verwoert GC, Hwang S-J, Glazer NL, Smith AV, van Rooij FJA, Ehret GB, Boerwinkle E, Felix JF, Leak TS, et al. Genome-wide association studies of serum magnesium, potassium, and sodium concentrations identify six Loci influencing serum magnesium levels. PLoS Genet. 2010 ;6(8).
Morrison AC, Felix JF, Cupples AL, Glazer NL, Loehr LR, Dehghan A, Demissie S, Bis JC, Rosamond WD, Aulchenko YS, et al. Genomic variation associated with mortality among adults of European and African ancestry with heart failure: the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 ;3(3):248-55.
Köttgen A, Pattaro C, Böger CA, Fuchsberger C, Olden M, Glazer NL, Parsa A, Gao X, Yang Q, Smith AV, et al. New loci associated with kidney function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2010 ;42(5):376-84.