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Filters: Author is Raffield, Laura M and Keyword is Humans  [Clear All Filters]
Durda P, Raffield LM, Lange EM, Olson NC, Jenny NSwords, Cushman M, Deichgraeber P, Grarup N, Jonsson A, Hansen T, et al. Circulating Soluble CD163, Associations With Cardiovascular Outcomes and Mortality, and Identification of Genetic Variants in Older Individuals: The Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022 ;11(21):e024374.
Winkler TW, Rasheed H, Teumer A, Gorski M, Rowan BX, Stanzick KJ, Thomas LF, Tin A, Hoppmann A, Chu AY, et al. Differential and shared genetic effects on kidney function between diabetic and non-diabetic individuals. Commun Biol. 2022 ;5(1):580.
Li Z, Li X, Zhou H, Gaynor SM, Selvaraj MSunitha, Arapoglou T, Quick C, Liu Y, Chen H, Sun R, et al. A framework for detecting noncoding rare-variant associations of large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Nat Methods. 2022 ;19(12):1599-1611.
Mahajan A, Spracklen CN, Zhang W, C Y Ng M, Petty LE, Kitajima H, Yu GZ, Rüeger S, Speidel L, Kim YJin, et al. Multi-ancestry genetic study of type 2 diabetes highlights the power of diverse populations for discovery and translation. Nat Genet. 2022 ;54(5):560-572.
DiCorpo D, Gaynor SM, Russell EM, Westerman KE, Raffield LM, Majarian TD, Wu P, Sarnowski C, Highland HM, Jackson A, et al. Whole genome sequence association analysis of fasting glucose and fasting insulin levels in diverse cohorts from the NHLBI TOPMed program. Commun Biol. 2022 ;5(1):756.
Wheeler MM, Stilp AM, Rao S, Halldorsson BV, Beyter D, Wen J, Mihkaylova AV, McHugh CP, Lane J, Jiang M-Z, et al. Whole genome sequencing identifies structural variants contributing to hematologic traits in the NHLBI TOPMed program. Nat Commun. 2022 ;13(1):7592.