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Smith NL, Felix JF, Morrison AC, Demissie S, Glazer NL, Loehr LR, Cupples AL, Dehghan A, Lumley T, Rosamond WD, et al. Association of genome-wide variation with the risk of incident heart failure in adults of European and African ancestry: a prospective meta-analysis from the cohorts for heart and aging research in genomic epidemiology (CHARGE) consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2010 ;3(3):256-66.
deFilippi CR, de Lemos JA, Christenson RH, Gottdiener JS, Kop WJ, Zhan M, Seliger SL. Association of serial measures of cardiac troponin T using a sensitive assay with incident heart failure and cardiovascular mortality in older adults. JAMA. 2010 ;304(22):2494-502.
Deo R, Sotoodehnia N, Katz R, Sarnak MJ, Fried LF, Chonchol M, Kestenbaum B, Psaty BM, Siscovick DS, Shlipak MG. Cystatin C and sudden cardiac death risk in the elderly. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2010 ;3(2):159-64.
Chonchol M, Katz R, Fried LF, Sarnak MJ, Siscovick DS, Newman AB, Strotmeyer ES, Bertoni A, Shlipak MG. Glycosylated hemoglobin and the risk of death and cardiovascular mortality in the elderly. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2010 ;20(1):15-21.
Carbone L, Bůzková P, Fink HA, Lee JS, Chen Z, Ahmed A, Parashar S, Robbins JR. Hip fractures and heart failure: findings from the Cardiovascular Health Study. Eur Heart J. 2010 ;31(1):77-84.
Ton TG, Jain S, Boudreau R, Thacker EL, Strotmeyer ES, Newman AB, Longstreth WT, Checkoway H. Post hoc Parkinson's disease: identifying an uncommon disease in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Neuroepidemiology. 2010 ;35(4):241-9.
Thielke SM, Diehr P, Unutzer J. Prevalence, incidence, and persistence of major depressive symptoms in the Cardiovascular Health Study. Aging Ment Health. 2010 ;14(2):168-76.
Barnes DE, Haight TJ, Mehta KM, Carlson MC, Kuller LH, Tager IB. Secondhand smoke, vascular disease, and dementia incidence: findings from the cardiovascular health cognition study. Am J Epidemiol. 2010 ;171(3):292-302.
Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Heckbert SR, Cushman M. Serum albumin and risk of venous thromboembolism. Thromb Haemost. 2010 ;104(1):100-4.
Lee JS, Bůzková P, Fink HA, Vu J, Carbone L, Chen Z, Cauley J, Bauer DC, Cappola AR, Robbins J. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction and incident hip fracture in older adults. Arch Intern Med. 2010 ;170(21):1876-83.
Mozaffarian D, Cao H, King IB, Lemaitre RN, Song X, Siscovick DS, Hotamisligil GS. Trans-palmitoleic acid, metabolic risk factors, and new-onset diabetes in U.S. adults: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2010 ;153(12):790-9.
Schnabel RB, Aspelund T, Li G, Sullivan LM, Suchy-Dicey A, Harris TB, Pencina MJ, D'Agostino RB, Levy D, Kannel WB, et al. Validation of an atrial fibrillation risk algorithm in whites and African Americans. Arch Intern Med. 2010 ;170(21):1909-17.
Kalogeropoulos A, Psaty BM, Vasan RS, Georgiopoulou V, Smith AL, Smith NL, Kritchevsky SB, Wilson PWF, Newman AB, Harris TB, et al. Validation of the health ABC heart failure model for incident heart failure risk prediction: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circ Heart Fail. 2010 ;3(4):495-502.
Chami HA, Resnick HE, Quan SF, Gottlieb DJ. Association of incident cardiovascular disease with progression of sleep-disordered breathing. Circulation. 2011 ;123(12):1280-6.
Folsom AR, Yatsuya H, Psaty BM, Shahar E, Longstreth WT. Carotid intima-media thickness, electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy, and incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage. Stroke. 2011 ;42(11):3075-9.
Mozaffarian D, Lemaitre RN, King IB, Song X, Spiegelman D, Sacks FM, Rimm EB, Siscovick DS. Circulating long-chain ω-3 fatty acids and incidence of congestive heart failure in older adults: the cardiovascular health study: a cohort study. Ann Intern Med. 2011 ;155(3):160-70.
Reshef S, Fried L, Beauchamp N, Scharfstein D, Reshef D, Goodman S. Diastolic blood pressure levels and ischemic stroke incidence in older adults with white matter lesions. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011 ;66(1):74-81.
Thacker EL, Psaty BM, McKnight B, Heckbert SR, Longstreth WT, Mukamal KJ, Meigs JB, de Boer IH, Boyko EJ, Carnethon MR, et al. Fasting and post-glucose load measures of insulin resistance and risk of ischemic stroke in older adults. Stroke. 2011 ;42(12):3347-51.
Zhang Z-M, Prineas RJ, Case D, Psaty BM, Suzuki T, Burke GL. Gender differences between the Minnesota code and Novacode electrocardiographic prognostication of coronary heart disease in the cardiovascular health study. Am J Cardiol. 2011 ;107(6):817-820.e1.
Kizer JR, Biggs ML, Ix JH, Mukamal KJ, Zieman SJ, de Boer IH, Mozaffarian D, Barzilay JI, Strotmeyer ES, Luchsinger JA, et al. Measures of adiposity and future risk of ischemic stroke and coronary heart disease in older men and women. Am J Epidemiol. 2011 ;173(1):10-25.
Brown AF, Liang L-J, Vassar SD, Stein-Merkin S, Longstreth WT, Ovbiagele B, Yan T, Escarce JJ. Neighborhood disadvantage and ischemic stroke: the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS). Stroke. 2011 ;42(12):3363-8.
Patton KK, Sotoodehnia N, DeFilippi C, Siscovick DS, Gottdiener JS, Kronmal RA. N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide is associated with sudden cardiac death risk: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Heart Rhythm. 2011 ;8(2):228-33.
van den Broek KC, deFilippi CR, Christenson RH, Seliger SL, Gottdiener JS, Kop WJ. Predictive value of depressive symptoms and B-type natriuretic peptide for new-onset heart failure and mortality. Am J Cardiol. 2011 ;107(5):723-9.
Somwaru LL, Arnold AM, Cappola AR. Predictors of thyroid hormone initiation in older adults: results from the cardiovascular health study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2011 ;66(7):809-14.
Barasch E, Gottdiener JS, Aurigemma G, Kitzman DW, Han J, Kop WJ, Tracy RP. The relationship between serum markers of collagen turnover and cardiovascular outcome in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circ Heart Fail. 2011 ;4(6):733-9.
