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McGeechan K, Liew G, Macaskill P, Irwig L, Klein R, Klein BEK, Wang JJin, Mitchell P, Vingerling JR, Dejong PTVM, et al. Meta-analysis: retinal vessel caliber and risk for coronary heart disease. Ann Intern Med. 2009 ;151(6):404-13.
Steffen LM, Cushman M, Peacock JM, Heckbert SR, Jacobs DR, Rosamond WD, Folsom AR. Metabolic syndrome and risk of venous thromboembolism: Longitudinal Investigation of Thromboembolism Etiology. J Thromb Haemost. 2009 ;7(5):746-51.
Fitzpatrick AL, Kuller LH, Lopez OL, Diehr P, O'Meara ES, Longstreth WT, Luchsinger JA. Midlife and late-life obesity and the risk of dementia: cardiovascular health study. Arch Neurol. 2009 ;66(3):336-42.
Dai W, Lopez OL, Carmichael OT, Becker JT, Kuller LH, H Gach M. Mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer disease: patterns of altered cerebral blood flow at MR imaging. Radiology. 2009 ;250(3):856-66.
Arking DE, Khera A, Xing C, Kao LWH, Post W, Boerwinkle E, Chakravarti A. Multiple independent genetic factors at NOS1AP modulate the QT interval in a multi-ethnic population. PLoS One. 2009 ;4(1):e4333.
Köttgen A, Glazer NL, Dehghan A, Hwang S-J, Katz R, Li M, Yang Q, Gudnason V, Launer LJ, Harris TB, et al. Multiple loci associated with indices of renal function and chronic kidney disease. Nat Genet. 2009 ;41(6):712-7.
Ganesh SK, Zakai NA, van Rooij FJA, Soranzo N, Smith AV, Nalls MA, Chen M-H, Köttgen A, Glazer NL, Dehghan A, et al. Multiple loci influence erythrocyte phenotypes in the CHARGE Consortium. Nat Genet. 2009 ;41(11):1191-8.
