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General Guidelines for Publications

  • Manuscript proposals are required for all papers that use CHS data, unless using only previously published summary data.
  • All manuscript proposals must be reviewed and approved by the CHS Publications and Presentations (P&P) Committee as well as by the CHS Steering Committee (SC). The average duration of CHS proposal review is 3-4 weeks. P&P review dates occur on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month and are posted on the CHS Calendar on the internal website.  The deadlines for submitting a proposal for P&P review are by 12 noon Pacific time on the first and third Tuesdays of the month.
  • A penultimate draft of the manuscript must undergo review by the CHS Steering Committee and potentially also by the CHS Project Office for NHLBI prior to submission to any journal. The average duration of penultimate draft manuscript review is 1-2 weeks.  SC review dates occur every Monday.  The deadline for submitting a penultimate draft for SC review is 12 noon Pacific time on Monday for review on the following Monday.

Related Links

Objectives of the CHS Publications and Presentations Committee
Classification of CHS Manuscripts
Flowchart of the CHS Review Process
Funding of CHS Manuscripts

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