CHS sponsors will consider the following important criteria when reading papers:
- Does the paper match what was proposed?
- Is CHS correctly represented (methods, dates, etc.)?
- Genetic statement: All analyses must conform to CHS Genetics Policies, which were revised in 1998-99. This required statement only applies if your paper uses genetic data. If genetic data are included, please be sure to mention somewhere under "Methods" that all participants included in the analysis gave informed consent. For example: "Analyses were limited to those with available DNA who consented to genetic studies." (For the full CHS Genetics Policies, please see Revised Policy for Conducting and Reporting Genetic Research.)
- Minority cohort: The two CHS cohorts include 5888 people; this should be the starting number for analyses. It sometimes requires extra effort to incorporate the minority cohort, since it was added later in the study. Every attempt should be made to do this; if it is impossible to include this cohort, please state the reasons why.
- CMS Data cell sizes: If CMS data were used, does the paper include cell sizes greater than 10? The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Data Use Agreement requires that any publication using CMS data must include cell sizes greater than 10. For more details about this policy, see the CMS Data Page.
(Edited 9/24/2019)
Related Links
Penultimate Draft Manuscript Review Process
NIH Public Access Policy – PubMed Central
CMS Data Page