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Sims R, van der Lee SJ, Naj AC, Bellenguez C, Badarinarayan N, Jakobsdottir J, Kunkle BW, Boland A, Raybould R, Bis JC, et al. Rare coding variants in PLCG2, ABI3, and TREM2 implicate microglial-mediated innate immunity in Alzheimer's disease. Nat Genet. 2017 ;49(9):1373-1384.
Yu B, Pulit SL, Hwang S-J, Brody JA, Amin N, Auer PL, Bis JC, Boerwinkle E, Burke GL, Chakravarti A, et al. Rare Exome Sequence Variants in CLCN6 Reduce Blood Pressure Levels and Hypertension Risk. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 ;9(1):64-70.
Jakobsdottir J, van der Lee SJ, Bis JC, Chouraki V, Li-Kroeger D, Yamamoto S, Grove ML, Naj A, Vronskaya M, Salazar JL, et al. Rare Functional Variant in TM2D3 is Associated with Late-Onset Alzheimer's Disease. PLoS Genet. 2016 ;12(10):e1006327.
Jang S-K, Evans L, Fialkowski A, Arnett DK, Ashley-Koch AE, Barnes KC, Becker DM, Bis JC, Blangero J, Bleecker ER, et al. Rare genetic variants explain missing heritability in smoking. Nat Hum Behav. 2022 .
Mahajan A, Wessel J, Willems SM, Zhao W, Robertson NR, Chu AY, Gan W, Kitajima H, Taliun D, N Rayner W, et al. Refining the accuracy of validated target identification through coding variant fine-mapping in type 2 diabetes. Nat Genet. 2018 ;50(4):559-571.
Liu C-T, Young KL, Brody JA, Olden M, Wojczynski MK, Heard-Costa N, Li G, Morrison AC, Muzny D, Gibbs RA, et al. Sequence variation in TMEM18 in association with body mass index: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):344-9.
Taliun D, Harris DN, Kessler MD, Carlson J, Szpiech ZA, Torres R, Taliun SAGagliano, Corvelo A, Gogarten SM, Kang HMin, et al. Sequencing of 53,831 diverse genomes from the NHLBI TOPMed Program. Nature. 2021 ;590(7845):290-299.
Magnani JW, Brody JA, Prins BP, Arking DE, Lin H, Yin X, Liu C-T, Morrison AC, Zhang F, Spector TD, et al. Sequencing of SCN5A identifies rare and common variants associated with cardiac conduction: Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):365-73.
Jones AC, Patki A, Srinivasasainagendra V, Tiwari HK, Armstrong ND, Chaudhary NS, Limdi NA, Hidalgo BA, Davis B, Cimino JJ, et al. Single-Ancestry versus Multi-Ancestry Polygenic Risk Scores for CKD in Black American Populations. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2024 .
Li M, Li Y, Weeks O, Mijatovic V, Teumer A, Huffman JE, Tromp G, Fuchsberger C, Gorski M, Lyytikäinen L-P, et al. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 .
Li X, Chen H, Selvaraj MSunitha, Van Buren E, Zhou H, Wang Y, Sun R, McCaw ZR, Yu Z, Arnett DK, et al. A statistical framework for powerful multi-trait rare variant analysis in large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. bioRxiv. 2023 .
Lin H, Wang M, Brody JA, Bis JC, Dupuis J, Lumley T, McKnight B, Rice KM, Sitlani CM, Reid JG, et al. Strategies to design and analyze targeted sequencing data: cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Consortium Targeted Sequencing Study. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2014 ;7(3):335-43.
Lin H, Sinner MF, Brody JA, Arking DE, Lunetta KL, Rienstra M, Lubitz SA, Magnani JW, Sotoodehnia N, McKnight B, et al. Targeted sequencing in candidate genes for atrial fibrillation: the Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Targeted Sequencing Study. Heart Rhythm. 2014 ;11(3):452-7.
Hsu Y-H, Li G, Liu C-T, Brody JA, Karasik D, Chou W-C, Demissie S, Nandakumar K, Zhou Y, Cheng C-H, et al. Targeted Sequencing of Genome Wide Significant Loci Associated with Bone Mineral Density (BMD) Reveals Significant Novel and Rare Variants: The Cohorts for Heart and Aging Research in Genomic Epidemiology (CHARGE) Targeted Sequencing Study. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 .
Kwak SHeon, Hernandez-Cancela RB, DiCorpo DA, Condon DE, Merino J, Wu P, Brody JA, Yao J, Guo X, Ahmadizar F, et al. Time-to-Event Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Cardiovascular Disease in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. medRxiv. 2023 .
Kwak SHeon, Hernandez-Cancela RB, DiCorpo DA, Condon DE, Merino J, Wu P, Brody JA, Yao J, Guo X, Ahmadizar F, et al. Time-to-Event Genome-Wide Association Study for Incident Cardiovascular Disease in People With Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes Care. 2024 .
Chen M-H, Raffield LM, Mousas A, Sakaue S, Huffman JE, Moscati A, Trivedi B, Jiang T, Akbari P, Vuckovic D, et al. Trans-ethnic and Ancestry-Specific Blood-Cell Genetics in 746,667 Individuals from 5 Global Populations. Cell. 2020 ;182(5):1198-1213.e14.
Hasbani NR, Westerman KE, Kwak SHeon, Chen H, Li X, DiCorpo D, Wessel J, Bis JC, Sarnowski C, Wu P, et al. Type 2 Diabetes Modifies the Association of CAD Genomic Risk Variants With Subclinical Atherosclerosis. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2023 :e004176.
Ma J, Rebholz CM, Braun KVE, Reynolds LM, Aslibekyan S, Xia R, Biligowda NG, Huan T, Liu C, Mendelson MM, et al. Whole Blood DNA Methylation Signatures of Diet Are Associated With Cardiovascular Disease Risk Factors and All-Cause Mortality. Circ Genom Precis Med. 2020 ;13(4):e002766.
Lubitz SA, Brody JA, Bihlmeyer NA, Roselli C, Weng L-C, Christophersen IE, Alonso A, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Bis JC, et al. Whole Exome Sequencing in Atrial Fibrillation. PLoS Genet. 2016 ;12(9):e1006284.
Pankratz N, Wei P, Brody JA, Chen M-H, Vries PS, Huffman JE, Stimson MRachel, Auer PL, Boerwinkle E, Cushman M, et al. Whole exome sequencing of 14 389 individuals from the ESP and CHARGE consortia identifies novel rare variation associated with hemostatic factors. Hum Mol Genet. 2022 .
Huffman JE, Nicolas J, Hahn J, Heath AS, Raffield LM, Yanek LR, Brody JA, Thibord F, Almasy L, Bartz TM, et al. Whole genome analysis of plasma fibrinogen reveals population-differentiated genetic regulators with putative liver roles. medRxiv. 2023 .
Lin BM, Grinde KE, Brody JA, Breeze CE, Raffield LM, Mychaleckyj JC, Thornton TA, Perry JA, Baier LJ, Fuentes Lde Las, et al. Whole genome sequence analyses of eGFR in 23,732 people representing multiple ancestries in the NHLBI trans-omics for precision medicine (TOPMed) consortium. EBioMedicine. 2021 ;63:103157.
Little A, Hu Y, Sun Q, Jain D, Broome J, Chen M-H, Thibord F, McHugh C, Surendran P, Blackwell TW, et al. Whole genome sequence analysis of platelet traits in the NHLBI trans-omics for precision medicine initiative. Hum Mol Genet. 2021 .
