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Zakai NA, Katz R, Hirsch C, Shlipak MG, Chaves PHM, Newman AB, Cushman M. A prospective study of anemia status, hemoglobin concentration, and mortality in an elderly cohort: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Arch Intern Med. 2005 ;165(19):2214-20.
Zakai NA, Lange L, Longstreth WT, O'Meara ES, Kelley JL, Fornage M, Nikerson D, Cushman M, Reiner AP. Association of coagulation-related and inflammation-related genes and factor VIIc levels with stroke: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Thromb Haemost. 2011 ;9(2):267-74.
Zakai NA, French B, Arnold AM, Newman AB, Fried LF, Robbins J, Chaves P, Cushman M. Hemoglobin decline, function, and mortality in the elderly: the cardiovascular health study. Am J Hematol. 2013 ;88(1):5-9.
Zakai NA, Katz R, Jenny NS, Psaty BM, Reiner AP, Schwartz SM, Cushman M. Inflammation and hemostasis biomarkers and cardiovascular risk in the elderly: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Thromb Haemost. 2007 ;5(6):1128-35.
Zakai NA, McClure LA, Judd SE, Safford MM, Folsom AR, Lutsey PL, Cushman M. Racial and regional differences in venous thromboembolism in the United States in 3 cohorts. Circulation. 2014 ;129(14):1502-9.
Zaheer S, de Boer IH, Allison M, Brown JM, Psaty BM, Robinson-Cohen C, Michos ED, Ix JH, Kestenbaum B, Siscovick D, et al. Fibroblast Growth Factor 23, Mineral Metabolism, and Adiposity in Normal Kidney Function. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2017 ;102(4):1387-1395.
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Yu F, Lu J, Liu X, Gazave E, Chang D, Raj S, Hunter-Zinck H, Blekhman R, Arbiza L, Van Hout C, et al. Population genomic analysis of 962 whole genome sequences of humans reveals natural selection in non-coding regions. PLoS One. 2015 ;10(3):e0121644.
Yu B, Li AH, Muzny D, Veeraraghavan N, de Vries PS, Bis JC, Musani SK, Alexander D, Morrison AC, Franco OH, et al. Association of Rare Loss-Of-Function Alleles in HAL, Serum Histidine: Levels and Incident Coronary Heart Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2015 ;8(2):351-5.
Yu B, Roberts MB, Raffield LM, Zekavat SMaryam, Nguyen NQuynh H, Biggs ML, Brown MR, Griffin G, Desai P, Correa A, et al. Supplemental Association of Clonal Hematopoiesis With Incident Heart Failure. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2021 ;78(1):42-52.
Yu B, Barbalic M, Brautbar A, Nambi V, Hoogeveen RC, Tang W, Mosley TH, Rotter JI, deFilippi CR, O'Donnell CJ, et al. Association of genome-wide variation with highly sensitive cardiac troponin-T levels in European Americans and Blacks: a meta-analysis from atherosclerosis risk in communities and cardiovascular health studies. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2013 ;6(1):82-8.
Yu B, Pulit SL, Hwang S-J, Brody JA, Amin N, Auer PL, Bis JC, Boerwinkle E, Burke GL, Chakravarti A, et al. Rare Exome Sequence Variants in CLCN6 Reduce Blood Pressure Levels and Hypertension Risk. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2016 ;9(1):64-70.
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Young WJ, Lahrouchi N, Isaacs A, Duong T, Foco L, Ahmed F, Brody JA, Salman R, Noordam R, Benjamins JW, et al. {Genetic analyses of the electrocardiographic QT interval and its components identify additional loci and pathways. Nat Commun. 2022 ;13:5144.
Yoneyama S, Guo Y, Lanktree MB, Barnes MR, Elbers CC, Karczewski KJ, Padmanabhan S, Bauer F, Baumert J, Beitelshees A, et al. Gene-centric meta-analyses for central adiposity traits in up to 57 412 individuals of European descent confirm known loci and reveal several novel associations. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 ;23(9):2498-510.
Yoneyama S, Yao J, Guo X, Fernandez-Rhodes L, Lim U, Boston J, Bůžková P, Carlson CS, Cheng I, Cochran B, et al. Generalization and fine mapping of European ancestry-based central adiposity variants in African ancestry populations. Int J Obes (Lond). 2017 ;41(2):324-331.
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Yeboah J, Crouse JR, Hsu F-C, Burke GL, Herrington DM. Brachial flow-mediated dilation predicts incident cardiovascular events in older adults: the Cardiovascular Health Study. Circulation. 2007 ;115(18):2390-7.
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