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Rariy CM, Ratcliffe SJ, Weinstein R, Bhasin S, Blackman MR, Cauley JA, Robbins J, Zmuda JM, Harris TB, Cappola AR. Higher serum free testosterone concentration in older women is associated with greater bone mineral density, lean body mass, and total fat mass: the cardiovascular health study. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2011 ;96(4):989-96.
Rao DC, Sung YJ, Winkler TW, Schwander K, Borecki I, Cupples AL, W Gauderman J, Rice K, Munroe PB, Psaty BM. Multiancestry Study of Gene-Lifestyle Interactions for Cardiovascular Traits in 610 475 Individuals From 124 Cohorts: Design and Rationale. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 2017 ;10(3).
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Rajpathak SN, McGinn AP, Strickler HD, Rohan TE, Pollak M, Cappola AR, Kuller L, Xue XN, Newman AB, Strotmeyer ES, et al. Insulin-like growth factor-(IGF)-axis, inflammation, and glucose intolerance among older adults. Growth Horm IGF Res. 2008 ;18(2):166-73.
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Raji CA, Merrill DA, Eyre H, Mallam S, Torosyan N, Erickson KI, Lopez OL, Becker JT, Carmichael OT, H Gach M, et al. Longitudinal Relationships between Caloric Expenditure and Gray Matter in the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Alzheimers Dis. 2016 ;52(2):719-29.
Raji CA, Erickson KI, Lopez OL, Kuller LH, H Gach M, Thompson PM, Riverol M, Becker JT. Regular fish consumption and age-related brain gray matter loss. Am J Prev Med. 2014 ;47(4):444-51.
Raji CA, Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Carmichael OT, Longstreth WT, H Gach M, Boardman J, Bernick CB, Thompson PM, Becker JT. White matter lesions and brain gray matter volume in cognitively normal elders. Neurobiol Aging. 2012 ;33(4):834.e7-16.
Raji CA, Ho AJ, Parikshak NN, Becker JT, Lopez OL, Kuller LH, Hua X, Leow AD, Toga AW, Thompson PM. Brain structure and obesity. Hum Brain Mapp. 2010 ;31(3):353-64.
Rajagopalan P, Jahanshad N, Stein JL, Hua X, Madsen SK, Kohannim O, Hibar DP, Toga AW, Jack CR, Saykin AJ, et al. Common folate gene variant, MTHFR C677T, is associated with brain structure in two independent cohorts of people with mild cognitive impairment. Neuroimage Clin. 2012 ;1(1):179-87.
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Qi Q, Kilpeläinen TO, Downer MK, Tanaka T, Smith CE, Sluijs I, Sonestedt E, Chu AY, Renstrom F, Lin X, et al. FTO genetic variants, dietary intake and body mass index: insights from 177,330 individuals. Hum Mol Genet. 2014 ;23(25):6961-72.
